Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

I thought that too. We have an unidentified black baby bantam chick that I think might be Midnight. I am crossing my fingers and hoping!

here was one of our fall hatch roosters. he was 25 days old here...

Hey, We are not allowed roosters either in Alameda. But then we ended up with Little Jerry and he is only the size of my hand at about 4 months. He crows very seldom at this point and it is so patetic even the girls are louder than him! Try finding a Serama, I don't think one could have a crow much louder than a squeek

Yeah I am not allowed ANY chickens. We have a speakeasy coop
Here is my Sex Link roo', R.J. (it stand for Ron Jeremy, because he's a ladies man). He was one of those get 3 hens with one rooster deals at the local auction. He is a very good boy, great with his girls.

And here is my Silkie roo', Surely (he was one half of Laverne and Shirley, until he started crowing, lol).

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