Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Odille is a pretty boy! My favorite little young roo is a bantam buff Cochin, who I plan to keep. I will have to show these photos to my husband so he can see how pretty "Fred" will be when he grows up. (He's already a pretty little ball of fluff!)
I am LOVING this thread, I keep checking it when it gets bumped to see the new pics. Anyone can now see that the fellas are the "beautiful ones" when it comes to chickens - as with most birds the male is the pretty one! I can't wait for my boy(s) to grow up to be manly strutters like the ones in this thread - they just add so much beauty to a flock!
Here's our Buff Orpington rooster, Spok. Our Dominique hen, Rowhena, is next to him. Our Buff Orpington hen, Edgy, and one of our White Rock(?) hens is behind them.
Spok is one of the best roosters in the world; he never attacks me and he loves to be cuddled! The poor bird is so calm that he gets bossed around by all our hens, including the bantams! He is fascinated with our frizzle bantam hen. He's also going to be a Daddy soon!

This is Roe Hoe my buff roo. I think he is beautiful, he's only about 12 wks. so I am really looking forward to seeing him grow on up. He was the first one to crow and it sounded so funny! He's a sweety. If one of the other chickens start making any noises he comes to make sure they are ok. I think he is going to be a great guy.

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