Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Robin'sBrood :

Mika was very handsome. Did he die from that dog attack?

No, he lived to just this April 16 (Born March 1, 08). We found him flat on his back in the coop. Don't know what he died from. We miss him a great deal.. We want another roo and one of our baby GLWs might be one, but if it is, he's got a lot to live up to.

"Rockstar" my Ameraucana Rooster.
Purchased him as a pullet, but was surprised to find out he turned out to be a rooster!


"Mr. Fluffy" my Bantam Frizzle Cochin & Petunia, his bed partner.
Doesn't roost- instead sleeps with the pigs.
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He was our first roo. And man, he was our baby. He acted like a toughie, but he was just a little sweetheart. I mean, look at the muffs.. It was hard to take him serious (especially when he shot me the stink eye) because he was so darn cute! He'd glare at me, and I'd just be like, "Mika! You're so cute!" I wanted another EE roo, but I am sure that the GLW will be wonderful too...but like I said before, he will always be compared to Mika, not on purpose, but because Meek was such an awesome boy! ;] Glad everyone thinks he's pretty. We do too!

PS- My parents never wanted a roo, but I pretty much begged and cried and let's just say, he soon became a huge part of EVERYONE in the family's life. My grandpa even fell in love with him!
Hi - I'm new to this site. I have a wonderful Jersey Giant roo named Black Bart, but I don't know how to submit pictures here!
I'm liking Mr. Bigg... I hope our barred rock roo turns out that pretty!

Okay, so I saw the pig pic and now I have to post this one... one of the chicks hanging out with Pollie the pig

(Please excuse Pollie's appearance... she loses her coat in the summer and she's going through the bald patch stage... poor girl!)

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