Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

my sweet RIR roo had to go this weekend... neigbors, huff!!Nice and cuddly, just very loud:(

I love looking at all these roosters!!! So different from each other, so many personalities. I admit, I do especially the cochins, cute little fuzzy puffballs... Thank you for sharing!
Roosters are my favorite... but when you have 5, there is a lot of
crowing that happens. I will soon be getting rid of 4, but as of
now, there are 5.

We even managed to breed one that is going to look JUST LIKE RUSTY but with muffs!!
Any takers for this guy? Even now I glance out and think he is Rusty!



Here is Chook at 12 weeks old... part Leghorn and part Australorp.
He is taller than the full grown Leghorn hens that we have,
and he is pretty friendly. I believe that we have two flocks now..
and Chook is head roo for the second "flock"

Oh, Geez! Who EVER would have thought I'd find a place to put pictures of my boys, where everyone would not only have some of their own, but understand why I love them! Yay!

Chickenhawk - was rescued from an urban farm 3 years ago. He's the deputy.

Poo - the deposed king (to the next roo). Took him awhile to start hanging around again, when he figured out the new king wasn't trying to kill him

Friendly - the new king. Need I say more?
I too, think the roosters are the prettiest birds on my farm. Especially my Serama boys!

However, I have 4 rooster that all hatched at the same time, grew up in the same brooder, then in a pen, and now all live together in an "A" frame European Chicken Tractor. Oddly enough, they are the sweetest rooster on the farm.

I took them to a swap about 4 mos ago, and not ONE person was interested. I had a hard time bringing them to the swap, so I took it as a sign: KEEP THEM. So here they are.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Red (w/ blue tail) Sizzle (Sizzie), Blue (w/ orange chest & saddle) oegb (Itty Bit), Black Copper Feather Footed Bantam (I realy have no idea what he is, but a friend gave him to me when I hatched out 30+ feather footed chicks from some eBay eggs. (Hopper)

I was just messin' around w/ texts at my looooong wait in the docs office today!

AND FINALLY: The solo act: COACH (white Cochin- straight feathered that came from the same sizzle hatch as SIzzie!) He is the alpha dog in the European and when he is not alone, he is w/ his bro, Sizzie (as seen here)

I think Sizzie is pigeon toed! LoL

~Fluffy Butts Farm

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