Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

This is my Big Boy " Little Jerry".

What glorious glossy roos! I love looking at pictures of them. What magnificent boys and full of personality!

Here some of my 15 or so roos.

"The ham" names for his photographic ability at a young age, then all grown up. He's a Gorria Euskal Oiloa (Basque) and an extreme cuddler.



Speckled Jim another extreme cuddler. When tractored with his ladies will run up and down the edge of the run to get to me, can even see him going back and forth in the coop window when he spots me. This was him in the winter. He's Maradunna Basque


Our "old boy" is 2. And the oldest. He's a Partridge Chantecler and is lovely to his women. He goes a nice little dance for them and doesn't even pull feathers out when he's amorous. Probabaly the least tame of our roos, and he loves tea biscuits-scones.


Samourai can stomp like no other Roo we have. All his frizzle feathers bounce when he is storm-trooping. A sweet little boy that like to cuddle unless there are women around then he'll protect them with his life. He is very talkative and does the wet drippy "girls here's food cluck" everytime he sees me or food, and chats away a lot of the time.


Here is a future stud, and cuddler (no name yet), a BLRW boy about 12 week age range.


Keep the pictures coming they are adorable!
I have to put a pic of THE Rooster here....Nikki Roo a almost 26 pound buff Cochin. He is the best...he knows the people are the Head Rooster and he knows he has a job here. We have a great hatch rate with him to what was 22 hens and now has grown to 50 hens ( and now 2 young roosters growing up in the flock). He waits every morning for all the girls to leave the coop, then he comes out...and at night he is the first in...but will come out and looks for any straggles.
He always lets the girls eat first when there are treats, and he doesnt fight with the other Roos...they just know he's the boss.



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