Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

Here is a pic of one of our new roos Hes a 6 month old Blue Jersey Giant DH named him Colbalt He is already over 2 feet tall
Ceasar and Boss are the sires of most of my birds! Several of whom got rehomed yesterday!
Hello everyone,

It has been a while that it's itching me to post the pictures of our 2 roosters. They are still young though (nineteen weeks old), and I'm sure they will become even more majestic in a few months!

So here is our dear Pache, our little Welsummer roo, striking a kingly pose:

Pache has a beautiful crow, but he is a little too crow happy to our taste. Luckily, no neighbor has complained yet! The poor little fellow is trying to jump on all our young hens, but none of them are sexually mature yet, so they just run away from him.

And here is Alexander the Great, our RIR roo:

Sadly, Alexander is not looking his best these days, since he is actually regrowing his tail and neck feathers. So I will have to update his picture when he's back in his most glorious feathering. Alexander is not quite sexually mature yet, so his low-pitched crow still sounds pretty pathetic
(but don't tell him I wrote that!). Contrarily to Pache who is rather pushy with the girls, Alexander is a true gentleman: if the lady doesn't respond favorably to his seducing dance, he doesn't insist.

So that's it for our two roos. You can check out my BYC page if you want to see the rest of our flock.

NEW: You also may be interested in viewing a complement to this post, my thread titled Poop fiction - episode 1 - The Making of a Rooster Photo Shoot.
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This is Earl Grey Poupon. He has the most pathetic crow-it sounds like someone is strangling him. My husband keeps threatening to dispatch him, but more important things keep coming up.

Wow. All the roosters look great, but Nugget... Writerofwords, where did you find a dinosaur? That thing could beat my dog in a fight easily. He must be twice her height! How tall is he, and how much does he weigh?

It's funny, I've always assumed rooster=mean, but it looks like there are lots of friendly roosters on here. It almost makes me want one... I'm worried that one of our pullets may turn out to be a rooster. If "she" does, I'll post a pic, too.
Big Boy has been crowing for weeks he is only 17 weeks old. He does his job on my girls and he is starting to look mean. Picked up a oak stump from my Pop.??? The girls are going to be ok. Big Boy is not my only roo I have 3 I'll keep 1 roo maybe
pura vida Matoe
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Hello Everyone!! I just joined today. I started off with 2 hens someone couldn't keep. Who would have ever guessed I would get attached to CHICKENS..I love them and I am addicted!!..

How do I add pictures? I would like everyone to see my Roo..

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