Post your Duck names!

My duck's name is Patito. He's 9 weeks old and spoiled rotten by me :D I just finished building a 6'X25' duck run for him with garden and all.
my male Indain runner's name is Dill and my three females names are Cona and Lilly and Chloe
I don't have a duck yet, but I have thought about a name. For some reason the name Dwight has stuck in my head. So Dwight the duck
We have 5 Anconas. My husband named them "the blackfoot gang" when they were tiny. As they've gotten bigger I gave them all individual names. Sonya is our leader, and Sasha is close behind her. The other three used to be Ivana, Olga, and Petra.... until we figured out that they are probably boys. (They are larger and they don't "quack" like Sonya and Sasha do.) So now they are Ivan, Oleg, and Peter.
My ducks are funny cause they will follow you around the yard quacking and often we find them layin in our garage waiting for us to come out

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