Post your Duck names!

Ok, none of my birds have names. When I go outside to feed I say:

"Hi Dummies" - those are the dogs

"Hi donkeys" - they actualy have names but you'll see the pattern soon

"Hi Ducks"

"Hi Gooses"

...And that is all they know - their species! Except the dogs, who aren't really dummies, it is an old Sanford and Son joke in our house and they are the Big Dummies.

One duck was actually named (Daffy) and he was my very first runner duck, but he only gets called Duck.
My Pekins were Webbigail Waddlesworth and Plucky. (R.I.P.)

Now my Cayugas are Webbington Waddlesworth and Daphne.
i have muscovy
my drake is falstaff
my late duck was serafina
i have three of thier daughters

As of this week I have changed my dog's name to STUPID!!!!!!!

Thinking I may have to change the ducks names as well... and somehow buy a female to mix in, though I SWEAR I heard one quack today! We'll see.... I really don't want Eve to do Ed.
We have 8 ducks...

Male Black Swedish- Tank (youngest sons duck)
Female Black Swedish- Shadow (middle son named her)

Female darker Blue Swedish- Skye

Tank and Shadow are the only ones that know their names, because we raised them from ducklings. The rest were bought at auction, or given to us, as adults.

Usually I just refer to them all as 'Ducks'....good ducks, time for bed duckies, whats up ducks, shut up noisy ducks, here duck duck ducks.

ETA: Had to redo my post, sold all but 3 of the ducks I had listed
But I have 4 BEIs due from Ideal this week! So I will be hunting for names myself.
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AWW Uno is cute!!

I have my little mallard egg in my bator that I'm HOPING is feritile!, it's only 2 days along though.

Left to right:

Maggie, a crested magpie
Zipper, a black cayuga
Baby Blue, a blue swede

All girls. Zipper is the head duck. All I have to do is step out and yell "Zippeeee" and she'll start quacking and waddling toward me from wherever she is. I can even holler at her when she's leaving the yard and say "Where do you think you're going? Get back here!" and she'll lead everyone back into the yard.
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So my Khakis were Sydney & Trudy (RIP).

My Calls are Courage (the cowardly duck), Bridgette & Matilda Ducklesworth. My hubby named the drake, obviously...ugg.


Nothings ever clean long when ducks are involved
This is what you get when you let a three-year-old name a duckling: Ducky-duckEEE (accent on the EEEE.) The duck goes wild when you call her. Comes flying from any corner of the farm. The more exhuberant you are the crazier she gets -- tail wagging, pant-leg pulling...

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