Post your Duck names!

My runners all have nerdy names...
Wednesday from Addams Family
Zuko and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender (coincidentally, the only black ones, and the only drakes!)
Weyoun and Ezri from Star Trek: Deep Space 9
Impa from Legend of Zelda
Zoe from Firefly
Mirage and Banshee from X-Men
Gwaine from Arthurian legend
Well let's see the ducklings names are:
Jasper-black runner
Ree and Mary Morstan-Khaki Campbells
Cheri and/or Anne and/or Alton ( depending on if I have two girls or a boy and a girl ) - Magpies
Daffodil, Splish, Splash, and Aquinas-Anconas
My ducklings are:

Puddles- Khaki
Quackers- Unknown
Rowan- Rouen
Topanga- Anacona

I know, I'm ridiculous. Topanga better hope she is a girl. If not, it will just have an identity crisis. ;)
Cheddar (pekin) named by our five year old. and Buddha (also pekin) named because she was, emphasis on WAS, very calm and tranquil when we first brought her home.
Domesticated mallard: Mr. Drake
Adult female Pekin: Jemima Puddle-duck
Female Pekin ducklings: Thelma and Louise


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