Post your Duck names!

I loved the idea of naming ours after presidents..
We have six 11 week old Khaki Campbells named Kennedy, Quincy, McKinley, Monroe, Lyndon, and Georgia (feminine version of George!)
We also have a 4.5 week old Rouen named Lincoln!
I loved the idea of naming everyone after presidents..
We have six 11 week old khaki campbells named Kennedy, Lyndon, Monroe, Quincy, McKinley, and Georgia (feminine George!)
We also have a 4.5 week old Rouen named Lincoln!
We are just getting into ducks. We have 3 and the kids picked their names. We have Bozo (rouen), Candy (khaki), and Ty (rouen). We dont know if they are male of female yet, but the kids plan on keeping the names no matter what!

Mine are Howard (Howard the Duck, the Peking) and Darkwing (cartoon in 90s called Darkwing Duck, the dark one unsure of breed). And that is my first baby Nugget who thinks she is mommy duck when they're in the bath lol!
My ducks have names in French! I name them before I know the gender, so I try to choose neutral names.

Original 10 ducks were
DUCKS: Cannelle (cinnamon), Petit Pois (little pea), Tonnerre (Thunder)
DRAKES: Indigo (Indigo flowers), Eclair (lightning), Arnica (flower), Larch (tree), Noisette (filbert nut), Brocoli (Broccoli), Crocus (Crocus flowers).

New ducklings are:
DUCKS: Pirouette (dance move), Silhouette (Silhouette - shadow outline)
DRAKES: Girouette (wind vane), Ciboulette (chives, an herb), Pomme (apple), Clement (Clementine, orange), Trefle (clover).

Note that in the duckling list we have two sets of "twin" brother and sister doubles (hence the rhyming names: Pirouette (m) and Ciboulette (f) are dark duskies. Girouette (m) and Silhoutette (f) are blue duskies.
These are my 2 babies. My 5 (almost 6) yr old is obsessed with cars, so we have Mustang (Peking) and Tesla (Rouen). Still trying to convince him to change their names haha

Here are Banana, Aflac, and Captain Squirts. This was about a month ago, they are a lot bigger now and all white. Not sure if they are Pekin or White Layers or what. Got them at Tractor Supply on February 21st. They were two weeks old then, so about 11 weeks old now. These are our first ducks ever.

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