Post your Duck names!

Very sad to report that our poor little Butterfly was the pray of my house poodle yesterday. My poor little girl is so sad. Butterfly was her duckie. The poodle is in for a new home, he is continually digging under into the run area and is taking a tow on my poor birds so he is going to a new home today, which really makes me sad to have to get rid of him.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, My dachshund killed one of our ducklings on Monday, I left the gate to the duck lot open and the lil duckling must have wandered in without mama, needless to say I am very sad. I can very much understand how your daughter is feeling right now. Hugs to you both.
Opps forgot to add duck names.. Ernie, Alice, lavern,Shirley, Emmie, Ruth, Faith, Hope, Joy.Peggy Sue, Dolly, Opie and Andrew
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@moonlitechick, so sorry, I know how hard it is to lose a bird, I lost my first two.

I have a Welshie named Winston. It's a fancy little name because he acts rather arrogant and always has a upright posture. Although he is pretty nice now. He also has very pretty coloring. But the origional reason was because I read 1984 and was inspired and liked the main character named Winston, so I wanted to name one of my duckies after him.

My other drake is a Cayuga named Biggie after my favorite old school rapper Biggie Smalls. Besides that he's fat and super lazy. Not sure if Biggie was lazy but my drake sure takes the cake. However, he's the more loveable duck and will sit on my lap and let me pet him for at least 10 minutes.
I have five pekins... two slightly older ones, that I think might be Jumbos: What-the, and Yu, (My sense of humor is admittedly immature) and three that are younger ,and regular sized: Chomper(named for the habit of being a tad overzealous at accepting treats) Dink(who was originally the runt of the group), and Not-the-Dink(who is now the smallest)
My yearling drake is "Flighty" as he flies short distances a few inches off the ground. Have five three month old females that are still un-named. I do have one real noisy one like the lone female in last year's bunch. Not sure what to call her yet but have thought of Ethel Merman (some of you Boomers may remember her loud singing voice).

My sympathies to those of you with recent duck losses from your pet dogs. I have a six year old tabby cat and he and the ducks just ignore each other. Go figure.
Our duck's names are (most chosen by their previous owners, my nieces and nephew): Jonathan (pekin), Marcel (Rouen), Eponine (Rouen), Cosette (Rouen), Musky (Muscovy), Ollie (Call), Pipsqueak (call), Socks (call), and Mally (Call).

Our chickens are: Lone wolf (BO), Katniss (RIR), Hermoine (RIR), Drooly (RIR), Rue (Black Star), Scabbers (black star), White Stripes (black star), Disco (buff cochin), Maybelle (buff cochin), Miss Understood (buff cochin), Penelope (buff cochin), and Minerva (buff cochin)
We hatched 4 that were supposed to be Muscovy, but we ended up with...

Niblet-Mallard She nibbled on her mama (DD) when she hatched.
Nigel-Muscovy/Mallard cross (formerly Nigella) Black and white when just hatched.
Xerxes-Mallard The name just popped in my head when I saw him.
Lisyla-Muscovy DD named her after her 2 besties Lisa and Kayla
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Donald and Daisy - two aylesburys. Indy, Jake and Betty, two indian runner drakes and a khaki campbell - all named by the kids!!!#

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