Post Your First Egg of 2016!!!

Don't have a pi to show but as of yesterday I now have two pea eggs!!
Last year my girls didn't lay until May.
Plus I have two males in with them as a free ranger had gotten a cut so I put him with them to heal so I don't know who the daddy is as the males are diff colors.. One an IB and the injured a Silver Pied. My hens that are of laying age are IB. No fighting from any of them but the males are displaying daily.
Stupid chicken wasn't broody after all.  Fired up the HatchCraft, we will candle in ten days and see what develops.

Wish you were closer, Ive got a couple of game hens that went setting last week. Mine are going through the motion but nothing yet, I figured I'd at least have a green egg or two but nothing yet. Good luck and keep us posted.

Gerald Barker
Wish you were closer, Ive got a couple of game hens that went setting last week. Mine are going through the motion but nothing yet, I figured I'd at least have a green egg or two but nothing yet. Good luck and keep us posted.

Gerald Barker

Are Green eggs different than Indian eggs?
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Are Green eggs different than Indian eggs?

Great question, not really as it depends on the hen and her age. When they are young the eggs tend to be smaller just like young blues, as for the color, I've heard some say the greens eggs are darker but I see nothing radical like big spots or speckles and the shape is the same, the hatch time is also the same. So in general not much difference, just maybe and this is my opinion, blues are lazier when it comes to "breaking out" into the world. Ive got blue hens that lay monster eggs but they are older. My green hens tend to lay smaller eggs but they are young still. Anyone who is serious about raising "yard birds" (like us
) will know their birds and can pick exactly which hens laid what eggs just by the shape, color, where she laid, etc....

Gerald Barker
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