Probably just seriously scared the CRAP out of my muscovy ducks


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
I have a male and female Muscovys. My husband told me my female was flying this morning. I'm terrified she will fly over my fence (she's done it before) and the dog next door will hurt or kill her. I went outside and caught her so I could clip her wings. She wasn't so bad. I've held her a few times... My male duck was NOT happy AT ALL! He's never flown, but I didn't want to chance it. I'm just wondering if they will ever trust ma again. My female went and hid. I don't want them getting hurt by a dog, but I also want them to want to be around me.
They'll get over it and soon forget
Maybe offer them a nice little "thank you" treat for allowing you to clip their wings.

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