Red Mystery Chick


Chipmunk Chicks

Free Ranging
May 24, 2022
New Jersey, USA
Production Red?
Red Starlight Green Egger?
Pullet or Cockerel?

This chick was pulled for us by a Tractor Supply employee as the wrong type of bird. They come from Hoover's. The bin was labeled as a Rare Marans assortment, and also said sex link (so is that referring to the Magnetic Marans or another chick altogether? Anyone's guess) which were mixed in with Starlight Green Eggers, which can look like a lot of things. They may have also had SR RIRs in that day, but Hoover's also has production reds. We think one that I assumed was a yellow SGE chick is probably actually an Amberlink cockerel, so I legit have no idea what the heck was in that bin. Whee!

Let the games begin!
The more I am watching this chick's behavior too, the more I am thinking cockerel. I was just sitting here with the brooder door open and the chick all of a sudden FLEW AT MY FACE!!! 😳 Uhm...
<Backing away slowly>

Just watching this one and Marshmallow now, I feel like they act like a couple of bros. But who knows.
I tried to get some more pics this morning, but it was a little cool so I don't think anyone was too excited. I'm also wondering if something may have gotten sorted out last night, since I had the red chick and the white cockerel back together in the same brooder again. (Out of nine, five I'm confident are hens, one I'm confident is a cock, the red chick I'm watching, and the two Wyandottes I'm wondering if are one of each.)


If they are both boys, clearly the white chick is dominant over the red one.

Comb is maybe not super pink yet...
For real?

If he's a true RIR then he might be useful to keep for sex linking. If he's like a production red or some other hybrid, then maybe not so much...
I thought you were talking about him being SOP breed for a second there. If he is a production red he would be white plus the only leg color he matches is RIR.
I thought you were talking about him being SOP breed for a second there. If he is a production red he would be white plus the only leg color he matches is RIR.
Wow! That is actually really neat! I am wondering if he might have a place in our little flock after all.

And do I still call him RUBY!??? Lol. Rubio? If Sylvia turns out to be a Sylvino, these names are all going to get a bit ridiculous lol

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