Rhode island? Ocean state, anyone else out there?

Hi everyone...I haven't been on here in a while. I'm from Little Compton, RI and we have 5 hens...1 RIR (Rosy), 1 Red Star (Milly), 1 Easter Egger (Yolko), 1 Buff Orpington (Coral) and a Black Copper Marans (Jade). We had a gold laced wyandotte named Amelia as well but she turned out to be a he...was re-named Lennon and was eventually re-homed ;) I want more chickens! Haha
welcome to RI! Barrington is a great community for raising children. i grew up there and i'm o.k
. my mother lives on the Sowams rd side of town and she has coyotes, hawks and every once in a while a bald eagle will pass overhead. I've yet to see the eagle but i'm very excited about it!
good luck with your chickens and i suggest you go to the Washington County Fair
. we have gone for years and we always have a great time. i love the 4-h shows and one day i will enter the sheep sheering contest!
for now i have a hard time going and not leaving with a pet!

Welcome! The Washington County Fair!
Owned and operated by the volunteers of the Washington County Pomona Grange, the Washington County Fair, a non-profit organization, has been a great New England tradition for the past 48 years! The Fair is Rhode Island's largest agricultural event. One of the biggest draws to the Fair is today's Country Music Stars!
The Fair runs for five days (Wednesday - Sunday), taking place August 13 - 17, 2014. Admission includes access to all daily concerts, special acts and events, the giant midway and kiddy land area (all ride tickets and games separate), all agricultural events and shows, exhibits and displays, tractor and horse pulls, the farm museum, and much, much more!

The Fair features the Main Stage pine grove where you can relax and enjoy some of music's hottest acts. The Midway is full of the rides you look forward too every year, as well as some new additions! Also, for the second year, the Midway will feature New England's largest traveling roller coaster!

So far I've had 8 B/B/S Americaunas, 6 B/B/S Copper Marans and 5 Black Copper Marans hatch. Should be able to get 6 hens out of that! They are in watermelon bin in their coop with light and doing great. And of course, the run has not been started. Starting them on FF tomorrow

Went a bit overboard and now have 10 Bourbon Red Turkey eggs that should hatch in a day or two. Candled them last night as I put them in lock down and I'm not too optimistic. They developed so well but now I'm not seeing any movement and I think there is a lot of late death going on. Hope not but time will tell.

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Two turkeys pipping so keeping fingers crossed that I will have at least one come through this

eta: remind me never to do staggered hatches again
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Hi everyone! I am brand new to BYC and just starting the planning of getting together a little flock of 3-4 chickens in our big back yard in Warren, RI (to keep our new two hives of honeybees company!) We're thinking Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and maybe Australorps...

Anyone know where we can find pullets around here? Anywhere in RI/SE MA is good for us, but we can't really commit to raising from chicks this time around.
And, hey, if you're from around here and build coops, we are all ears...
Hi everyone! I am brand new to BYC and just starting the planning of getting together a little flock of 3-4 chickens in our big back yard in Warren, RI (to keep our new two hives of honeybees company!) We're thinking Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, and maybe Australorps...

Anyone know where we can find pullets around here? Anywhere in RI/SE MA is good for us, but we can't really commit to raising from chicks this time around.
And, hey, if you're from around here and build coops, we are all ears...

There are a couple FB pages that I would suggest to find pullets:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/181929551848739/ (Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/617633074978200/ (Connecticut Poultry Swap and Chat)

I often see people trying to sell their birds there. There is also Craigslist as another option.
Thank you so much! We are really eager to get going while the weather is so lovely, but seem to have stalled out in our hunt for chicks and coops...
Hello. Im from ma, only 12 min drive to ri. I'm very interested in having my own backyard chickens. I have been reading a lot and talking to people who already have there own.
Anyone want a free rooster?

He's started to crow, and with neighbors as close as they are, we'd like to find him a new home.

Anyone interested in or know anyone who may be interested in a free rooster?

I'm in West Greenwich and can meet someone right off the highway for an easy hand-off.

The rooster is healthy, friendly, and good with my 2 1/2 year old.

Anyone want a free rooster?

He's started to crow, and with neighbors as close as they are, we'd like to find him a new home.

Anyone interested in or know anyone who may be interested in a free rooster?

I'm in West Greenwich and can meet someone right off the highway for an easy hand-off.

The rooster is healthy, friendly, and good with my 2 1/2 year old.

The rooster has been re-homed.

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