Rocky mountian Oysters/ roo oysters/ calf fries,


11 Years
Sep 16, 2008
Bonner springs KS
Any one ever eat roo fries? Or am I just being sick. Butchered a young roo today, he is in the pot for chicken and dumplings, some of the meat reserved for stir fry. As I butchered I noticed that male gonad/ testies were the size of pecans. So just wondering has anyone ever eaten roo fries?
If so suggestions on prep and cooking? Thanks for your help on this weird subject!
I have heard of folks eating them, "they" proclaimed to say that they are pretty good, but I have not eaten them.
I'm sorry to say, I probably have.
I grew up on a ranch that had a country bar at the far end of it, every Friday night they served all you can eat catfish and mountain oysters (so of course its seemed like we were there every Friday night) It was no secret what mountain oysters were, but it was still better than the catfish (huge black slimy channel cats that they would go pull out of the ditches and canals that day . . . eeeuuuuyuuukkk). I remember being happy the times they served "turkey fries" which were smaller and easier to eat than those of bovine origination, and I'm sure that rooster ones made their way in there too as we were surrounded by both turkey and chicken ranches.
They were just breaded and fried. Poke them with a fork first so they don't explode. I can't say I really liked them but I can say they were better than the catfish!
Absolutely. When we processed our last guy, his gonads were huge and I didn't want them to go to waste. So I fried them up, and each member of my family had a bite. I didn't tell the kids what they were eating until after they had finished their bite, because I wanted their honest opinion of how they tasted. Everyone reported they were quite edible.
Thanks to all of you for your adivse. Yesterday I butchered my first roo from some meaty birds. He had huge testies/fries. I have seen them in broilers and they were the size of beans. In fact you see them in whole fryers all the time. But as I want to start supporting respect for the animal, worker and environment I am going to start producing my own meaties. Thus My question.
As a follow up made a flower/cornstarch/baking powder/ spice breading so that after the egg bath they were ready to go.
Tasted just fine.
I say eat them and dont tell anyone that you serve them to; at least until they are done.

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