Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Ashandvine you need to go there and build it for her!!!
lau.gif first tiime with geese ever, and how tall a container do I need to have for their brooder? I will probably have to go buy something and I don't want to get it too short.Have 5 white eggs developing and put 8 in incubator today.

I made this easy brooder last year for my Seb babies. I brought a couple of sheets of corrugated plastic from Home Depot and just cut and taped them together. It is very light weight and since it's plastic it is easy to wipe clean and sturdy.

After I was done I broke it down, hosed it off and stored the flat pieces in my garage. I just taped it back together this year for some Spring chicks...easy peesy


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