Seems like it took FOREVER!!

Congrats on the 1st eggs.. My older girls are between 18-20 weeks,  we are not sure exactly how old they were when we actually got them, a few weeks. I check every day.. I cannot wait for my 1st egg.  Both my SLW are getting pretty red, and one out of the 2 of my EE's looks a bit redder..  only one of my speckled sussex's are getting red now.. the other still very pink..I am on pins and needles.  I just put out a pan of oyster shell for them just in case.
that is great... Everyone puts out oyster shell and I wanted to as well but I sent my husband for it and the girl at the store said I do not need it because I live in SC less then a mile from the beach and calcium is in the dirt as well as broken scells are in my dirt and grass. Do you think I need crushed oysters?
I really wouldn't know.. :( this is my first time owning chickens, but I think the people at the feed store may be right. If you have shells in your dirt and grass and the hens have access to it, you may not, but i am not sure. Hopefully someone with more experience will have an answer.
My husband had some of our small eggs for breakfast this morning and one was a double yoke! I wish I had taken a picture but was in a hurry to get to work. It was so cute! I still only have one hen laying. I can't wait for the other seven to start. Then I have four younger ones to start!
Congrats on the 1st eggs.. My older girls are between 18-20 weeks,  we are not sure exactly how old they were when we actually got them, a few weeks. I check every day.. I cannot wait for my 1st egg.  Both my SLW are getting pretty red, and one out of the 2 of my EE's looks a bit redder..  only one of my speckled sussex's are getting red now.. the other still very pink..I am on pins and needles.  I just put out a pan of oyster shell for them just in case.

As all our girls have proven and so will yours... They'll lay when they're good and ready. Lol I swear a couple of mine held back cuz I wanted that first egg so bad. Maybe pretend you hate eggs?
My husband had some of our small eggs for breakfast this morning and one was a double yoke! I wish I had taken a picture but was in a hurry to get to work.  It was so cute!  I still only have one hen laying.  I can't wait for the other seven to start.  Then I have four younger ones to start!

My hubby used a double yolk in hus salmon patties tonight. I got in from work just in time to see it. I personally love cracking open the lil ones. My EEs have been laying every day. Today neither of them layed. Only 2 eggs total today. Slackers.
Can I just say how tickled I am to find others who are so excited to be getting eggs, or who are almost ready to get eggs?? I feel soooo much less weird now!
Can I just say how tickled I am to find others who are so excited to be getting eggs, or who are almost ready to get eggs??  I feel soooo much less weird now!  :gig  

Its nice to find like-minded people. Part of my excitement really is them starting to earn their keep. But those cute lil eggs would be adorable even if we couldn't eat them.

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