Share about recent or expected rabbit kindling?

My sister saw those and said "awwww!! Tiny pigs!!" LOL
those look great! Can't wait for mine to get here!!!
Finally...the SF doe kindled, probably in the wee hours of the morning. She had 8 kits, but one was stillborn (it was a big one) and one is a tiny runt. Everyone looks healthy and active, but I'll keep an eye on the runt in case it needs supplemental feeding.

Both mom and dad were black SFs, but it looks like there may also be blues or lilacs in the litter. Will be fun to see how they develop.

She pulled a lot of fur and did an awesome job of covering the kits up. Pretty good for a first time mom.
Question: I bred my rabbits Oct 3 my buck had two successful fall offs, come Nov 3 no kits, no nesting, so apparently she didn't take. I'm trying to breed them again but my female is being so aggressive now. She tries to mount my buck and bites him on his neck and he is terrified of her now. I separated them after seeing her do it a 2nd time to him. Put her back in her cage and now its going on 3 days in a row. I try and she continues to do that to my buck. Any suggestions?
Does it look like she's actually trying to injure him - for example, is she kicking? Is she pulling out fur with the bites? Does that are ready to breed can be "aggressive" (like mounting), but will settle down when the buck takes charge.

Another possibility is that the doe may not want to breed with that particular buck. I had a buck and doe that just didn't like each other, but were fine with other partners. Do you have another buck you can try her with?

I've had 100% kindle to date when I've seen three successful fall-offs in a session.
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Does it look like she's actually trying to injure him - for example, is she kicking? Is she pulling out fur with the bites? Does that are ready to breed can be "aggressive" (like mounting), but will settle down when the buck takes charge.

Another possibility is that the doe may not want to breed with that particular buck. I had a buck and doe that just didn't like each other, but were fine with other partners. Do you have another buck you can try her with?

I've had 100% kindle to date when I've seen three successful fall-offs in a session.

She pulled out fur once, he doesn't bleed or anything... yet. I don't let it go on for long. As of now I only have 1 buck though. He seems too scared to take charge now. Before though we had no issues and she let him breed idk why all of a sudden she's acting like that.

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