Share your pictures of Dust/Dirt Baths

Our sultan "in the zone" during her dirt bath!

In the midst of their dirt bath...

eventually kicked out by the big boss!

My ameraucana, splash wyandotte, and barnevelder found the garden bed!

All huddled together, they really enjoy each other's company!

Half the time Lucy's head (the blue ameraucana) would be underneath Daphne! (the splash wyandotte). Seriously how is that even comfortable!??
Baby Girls first dust bath. We had dust comming out of the brooder, out of the room, into the lounge!! LOL

HUmm i may be totally wrong here but i thought DE was no more than finely crushed shells with minoscule sharp edges and the bug crawling on it sort of scrapped themselves to death .Didnt know it had any kind of insecticide properties.
Bugs scraping themselves to death sounds like an insecticide to me. I did see where someone 'splained it better though.

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