My polish always have large air cells in comparison to my hybrid breeds. With a broody doing the work, I wouldn't worry about every little detail. The most expensive incubators are just an attempt to hatch as well as a broody. If they are developed that well, and already pipping to the air cell, then you will have a good hatch soon. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't dare touch the eggs at this time, but that's just meSc- yes I'm sure it's day 21 but I think because I set them late in the evening that maybe it's not day 21 till this evening if you get me so maybe I'm a little ahead of my eggs timing, I'm a complete sucker though and went to check again but broody had gone for a quick break so I candled 1 egg and the beak was definately in the air sac so I've decided that she's obviously doing a fine job without me so ill leave her be tonight and decide to candle tomorrow if no progression.
I'm like a small child a Xmas so waiting for OH to come home from work to stop me lol
How big was the air sac supposed to be this late in the game? It seemed huge almost too big but was on a lovely slant like the diagrams but surely the chicks will be tiny? They are polish eggs of 2 different colours that I picked up from a friend because I don't have a rooster (yet). I couldn't take a picture because I was using my phone to candle but must of been about 1/3 of the egg if a little less.