shots for dogs


8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
who here knows that your dog doesnt need a rabies shot for at least 3 years but your state requires that you get it every year?? there are have been known cases were the rabies shots that last 3 years have been labeled that they last only a year so with these shots your dog is getting over vaccinated and the immune system is actually being weakened by this?? state laws need to change about the rabies vaccine. you can also have your pet tested for the antibodies in his/her system to check if the dog needs to get a booster or not.
you can also check to see if your state will accept titers for rabies. Some states do allow it. Thankfully AR now accepts the 3 year vaccine. In actuality, the 1 year and the 3 year shot are the exact same vaccine; it's simply a matter of paperwork.
you can also check to see if your state will accept titers for rabies. Some states do allow it. Thankfully AR now accepts the 3 year vaccine. In actuality, the 1 year and the 3 year shot are the exact same vaccine; it's simply a matter of paperwork.
as far as i know and from what i have read our state requires it every year. and yes that is true about the 1 and 3 year shots...also a chawawa (ok yea thats misspelled badly but i can never spell that right ever lol) also gets the same dosage as a great dane does
hdowen I would contact your state extension office. Some states will allow an exemption for them but most vets don't know that. Titers can be pretty expensive though. I would assume that LA would allow them since there is such a low incidence of rabies there.
Many states have different laws regarding how often pets must be vaccinated. Here in Michigan the pet receives the initial booster and one yr later gets another booster which is good for 3 yrs. I am not sure what other states require. We have not had a case in our area in yrs but in other parts of the state the # of cases have doubled if not tripled in the last 5 yrs or so. Vaccinating for rabies is a cheap and effective I don't see why anyone would not do it, why take a chance...
im not saying not to do it im saying why, if the shots are good for three years, dont the state allow that since it is healthier for the animal, proving by research and even vets tell me that the dogs dont need the shot every year because it last 3 years but the state requires it.
. Vaccinating for rabies is a cheap and effective I don't see why anyone would not do it, why take a chance...

it's not a case of people not wanting to vaccinate for rabies. It's that there are studies that show that over-vaccinating can lead to serious health problems. People want to find a balance of making sure that their pet is protected from disease without using drugs more often than is necessary. The schedule for how often to give rabies is not set by vets but by law. The exact same rabies vaccine that is given my dog is also given to cattle. My vet recommends that it be given every 5-7 years. Yet the law believes that it is only effective for my dog/cat for 12 months?? AR just started allowing it every 3 years so now you have a choice. If I choose to use a 1 year vaccine, it's Vial A, Form A, and $15. If I choose 3 years, it's Vial A, Form B, and $25. Exact same medicine and dosage, just different paperwork.

When the change was made in some states to allow vaccine every 3 years, there was no change in the medicine that was given. It was merely a change in the legal code. If it was changed to 5 years, it would still be the same vaccine and the same dosage - again just a change in the legal code.

A lot of dogs have serious reactions to vaccines, especially rabies. The more often a booster is given, the greater the chance of having a reaction. Some states allow you to never give the vaccine if your vet submits paperwork that your dog has a bad reaction. Other states don't. Again, it's not a matter of how often it must be given to protect your dog but how often a group of lawmakers with no medical knowledge say it should be done.
Immediately and up to 3 days from shot:
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Vomiting
Facial swelling
Fever or lethargy
Circulatory shock
Loss of consciousness

Days, weeks or months after the shot:

Fibrosarcoma (cancer) at the injection site
Seizures and Epilepsy
Autoimmune diseases, including organ disease, allergies and skin problems
Chronic digestive problems
Muscle weakness, especially lack of hind end coordination
Chronic digestive disorders
Skin diseases like Ischemic Dermatopathy / Cutaneous vasculitis
Behavior problems: aggression, destructive behaviors, separation anxiety and odd obsessive behaviors (like tail chasing and paw licking).
- these are symptoms that point to an altering of brain function.
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i want the best for my babies, a mini dachshund and 3 chawinnies, and my vets recommend that the rabies shot be given a min of every 3 years and some even have said wait 5 years for a booster shot. in a way its kinda like a human getting a tetanus shot every year. i went to school for pre-vet med and in my classes this was even taught and said to the students about the shots. everything the above poster has said is true and if you really want some links to sites about this research and all these facts, im sure the above poster and i wont mind finding a few sites for you to read through. i hate the idea that i'm technically killing/hurting my dogs faster by having, by state law, to get them a rabies shot each year and will be talking to the vet(s) around my area about this to see if anything can truly be done to make it healthier for the animals. from what i have read and was taught in my classes cats have an even worse and faster reaction to shots than some dogs do.
I hate it too.Thankfully, the law for dogs around here is every three years. I have always suspected that Sabrina's 2 seizures were related to the rabies vaccine, as they both happened about a month after two different rabies shots. More and more holistic vets are recommending that indoor cats never get any vaccines, and outdoor cats just get one rabies vaccine in their lifetime.

I try to support their immune system by feeding a natural diet, plenty of raw foods, garlic, and milk thistle for liver support. I only give heartworm prevention for the warmer six months of the year. The temperature must stay steadily above 57F for an entire two weeks in order for the larvae to mature enough inside of the mosquito. If it drops one time, the cycle is broken and the heartworm cannot be transmitted. I am going to give Sugar and Sabrina their first dose on July 1st, along with plenty of milk thistle to support their liver. Also, the pill is effective for 45 days, so that is how often I give it. Additionally, I use essential oil sprays to repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. I also give D.E internally and externally. So far, it has worked great!

Also, just some food for thought. Before I was old enough to really pay much attention to this kind of thing, my parents took care of all that stuff. The dogs used to eat kibbles and bits (
) and then Purina dog chow. They were given frontline monthly, and all the great vaccine concoctions our conventional vet suggested. Our vet never really took the time to tell my parents about heartworm I guess, or they didn't listen, and they only gave about 10 doses in sugar's 9 years. Sabrina only was given about 5 doses in 4 years. After I started learning about this, I immediately changed their diet and took them for a HW test at our new holistic vet. Maybe we just got lucky, but both dogs tested negative, despite the fact that we live in a HW red zone. If I was feeding 100% raw and had been natural from the start, I might be more comfortable with no prevention and yearly testing. It's definitely something to consider, and I have been researching it for two years now. Currently, I feel safe with the prevention plan I have going. Sorry to ramble so much. LOL. But my dream is to become a holistic vet, and my pets are part of my family. I believe that if we shifted pet care to focus on the more natural aspect, dogs and cats as a whole would be healthier.

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