Should I relocate this predator?

You think THAT look is priceless.... you should see the look he gets when Crane garbs his junk and pulls on it! OUCH!!!!! He started doing it about 4 months ago.... we tried to say no without making a big deal, and sure enough, he lost interest in doing it. The dog would just get this look and then stare at us like "Can ya get him pleeeeeeeease!?"
Poor dog... he endures sooo much from that kid. But he still naps by him and gives him kisses
Halo is so good about it, I don't know though what I'd do if he tried the stuff he does to Halo with another dog... I don't think they would be as accommodating. Of course, my mom bought Crane one of those stuffed horses you can sit on.... so that relieved the dog of his "horsey" role
... nope , once a teenager rehabilitation is useless,
relocation involves huge expense ,
...sigh... at that point you will need a somewhat larger cage and razorwire
They have wildlife rescue centers that will actually come out and humanely live trap them and take them in for free. They have these huge, yellow, mobile, live traps. Unfortunately, they must not be really secure because they always escape and come back.
If you have to choose the full 4 year relocation plan - beware it can be costly. However it can also be very sucessful & rewarding! Mine came back from "rehab" very well behaved! It was worth all the years of dealing with those fun little things that they do when they are younger!

Even once they're rehabilitated, these kinds of large omnivorous predators can devastate farms and pantries. They often travel in packs, too, and once they learn food sources, they're almost impossible to drive away.
The best rehabilitation when they are younger comes in the form of a four letter word------- W-O-R-K!!!!LOL! works every time. They then disappear quietly for hours!
Problem with them growing up is they breed. Then they bring lots of little ones around that keep calling me "grandpa". I get dizzy chasing them in circles. Just when you get one cornered the others attack from behind and want to be carried around like baby possums, hanging from my back.

BTW Those are GREAT pictures!!
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A few years back I child-proofed my house, but they kept getting in anyway
Not much you can do to keep them out once they've figured a way in. The original one has now gathered others like it and they travel in what's called a "band" that raids into our garage at least once a week, making loud pounding and screaming noises, after which they rampage though the house decimating pantry and refrigarator, and leaving a trail of dirty dishes, empty cartons, and lights left on in it's wake. They are so much larger than you that you need to be careful not to get trampled as they come through. They do come in handy, however, when something on the top shelf needs to be retrieved. They are really bad in the summer as their frequency of raids seems to increase - time to go restock the pantry as they hit it hard last night and I suspect they'll be back in a day or two.


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