"Shouldered Poultry Photo Contest" MAY~Land of the Free Because of the Brave HAL w/hosts Mike & Sall


Not the best picture but funny none the less. HIGH FIVE!
Don't yet have many pictures of our feathered family on our shoulders, but here's the first one that hatched from our May HAL. Sunshine had spraddle legs, but here she is about two weeks later, riding around perched on a shoulder on a nice warm day. A true Ameraucana, she is by far the sweetest of the fourteen we hatched this month (only our second hatch ever). Hoping she stays a she, and gives us some beautiful blue eggs. If so, we may have to try and get her a mate.



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This is Run. He is my Cream Legbar rooster who sort of lets people hold him if he thinks there are treats involved. He is best friends with Brother, the other Cream Legbar rooster, and they pal around together wherever they are.


This is Lorelei. She is super friendly and picks at my pants every time I go outside, looking for a treat and a hug.


This is Cocoa, an english Orpington from a chocolate split back pen, we ended up with her as a bonus egg when we first had our cream legbar eggs shipped to Montana. We not only hatched out 18 out of 37 shipped eggs, the bonus orpington hatched too, and my little Esther plans on showing Cocoa when she is old enough for 4H next year. She has the daisy chain for May day. She wasn't impressed with it. :lol:

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