Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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If her head has been wobbling around with that twisted neck she has botulism. Go get the fruit cocktail and feed it to her. I will not respond to anymore posts on this pullet. You ask for help, there it is.
oh you should help them they said, you have alot of experience you can pass on they said lol exactly what I was talking about. It bleeding over to this thread lol
Went out and did a little walking around early this afternoon. Didn't see much. Too windy. Checked out a few beaver ponds but no wood ducks to be seen.
Anybody using tree stands make sure you use a harness. I know a guy that fell last year and busted up his ankle real bad. Could have been worse.
That's the stand behind my house in the woods. I had a blind set up but hurricane Irene dropped a tree right on top of the d*mn thing.
I used to use tree stands but got tired of them. I've hunted on the ground standing at a tree for years now. Still have great opportunities, but it is harder. Get winded easier and spotted when drawing sometimes. I do enjoy the challenge though.

Sorry to hear about the blind. Those things can get pretty expensive.
Now i either use a lone wolf hand climber or a muddy hang on with climbing sticks.
Hard to get a climber into some pine trees.
Here's the stand I use where a climber won't work.
I used to use tree stands but got tired of them. I've hunted on the ground standing at a tree for years now. Still have great opportunities, but it is harder. Get winded easier and spotted when drawing sometimes. I do enjoy the challenge though.

Sorry to hear about the blind. Those things can get pretty expensive.
I've tried so many different kinds of stands it ain't funny. I've carpeted the platforms, taped everything etc.. they all sucked except the muddy hang ones and the lone wolf.
The lone wolf hand climber is by far the best stand. Light, packs flat is simple and quick to set up in the dark and most importantly is super quiet.
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