Show Off Your American Gamefowl and Chat Thread!!!

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That's a nice setup. Climbers always seemed more trouble than they're worth. I would always get over heated climbing in one.

If I left it at the bottom of the tree for a couple of days instead of packing it out, they just walk off. lol
Yeah I had one stolen but I think it was the guy I knocked off the dirt bike. Lol
I don't leave em anymore. That's the beauty of the LW it's so fast and easy. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow. I actually have two. One is the sit and climb LW. That's my wife's stand.
All those other stands are so big loud and clunky. In the cold they creak and squeal. Walking out they would get hung up in everything. One time I was so p*ssed the stand I had on my back got caught on brush and pulled me down twice. I threw it down and just left it. Came back and got about 2 weeks later. Lol
If her head has been wobbling around with that twisted neck she has botulism. Go get the fruit cocktail and feed it to her. I will not respond to anymore posts on this pullet. You ask for help, there it is.

You don't have to respond anymore. She has no access to wet or rancid feed, she is indoors. I made that clear. Was indoors before she got sick. She has access to clean water and dry food in cups hanging on the outside of the cage. So their water is not close to their food, and there is no food scratched out on the floor. If it was botchulism she wouldn't have improved with only vitamins. She would have gotten worse. I wasn't posting pictures asking for more help, I posted this morning to simply respond to others and say she is getting better. I thought no more help needed was implied. If my pullet had botchulism I would have treated her for that. That was ruled out first thing. She's getting better without me force feeding her fruit until she gets the runs. She's eating and drinking on her own and by this afternoon is nearly back to normal. I'll just make sure I don't post here anymore. In case anyone else ever gets an attitude over me not taking their incorrect advice.
How was anything incorrect? You do realize that we all did try to help and all was giving advice for symptoms of such and not the exact thing wrong with your chicken or we would be God and not humans not even a vet is 100% correct 100% of the time.

Post in here or not but here your likely to get straight forwardness and not to be coddled but we did at least try and help. So instead of being hateful be grateful that folks tried.
I know that chickens eat their own crap, I live in a State that has a above average amount of rain every year and since 1983 I've been hands on with gamefowl everyday. If a chicken of any breed has their water and food in the same pen with them it is not possible to keep them apart I don't care if they are on concrete, dirt, or what ever. You call your vet Monday and tell he or she the symptoms of your chicken with it's head wobbling, twisted neck, can't stand up, dizziness, can't drink or eat on its own. How many times have you seen a chicken go get it's fill with water then walk over and regurgitate half of it back out on the ground or IN THEIR FOOD. I simply told you the easiest way to get that pullet back on her feet. They ask for help then they know it all, you can bet your a*s I won't be one to post anything in your favor again.
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