Show Off Your Games!

Man o Man am I jealous!!
Wow I haven't looked at this thread in a while, it is great!
I have to agree that these are beautiful birds. I also have to agree that the very best chickens for free ranging egg laying chick hatching maniacs are game/layer crosses.
Sure to take over the world if commercial chicken or egg production ceases.
Speaking of Game Layer crosses, what would you guess the outcome of this mating will produce? Last year I was able to free range this roo with the other chickens although I would put him up at night by himself. One night this Barred Rock decided she wanted in with him and they have been together ever since. I was given this roo and it was thought he may be a Game Leghorn mix. What would you guess? We love him and he is a real sweetie but I don't turn him out with the others now he's older.

I am really enjoying seeing the pictures of your beautiful chickens.
I think it will be a pretty cross and you can't blame the hen... who wouldn't want a nice game rooster, trim, athletic, protective, good dancer, good provider
Was it the previous owner who told you he was crossed with leghorn?
Don't know if he's mixed with leghorn , but he's sharp- Those babies from that cross would probaly be some egg-laying , baby hatching machines!! And if he does have leghorn maybe that would just make the females lay that much better!! Try it and see .
i cant notice leghorn in him, he looks like a red pyle gamecock.. But games traits are strong so you never know.. he maybe red pyle because his father was a red and then crossing with the white leghorn.. voila

EDIT: now that i look again he does appear to have white earlobes.. but even still. some games do as well
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Ya'll are so nice to help me with this. You know how you just wonder about what they may be and I have no game experience to draw from. Here is the best head shot I could find from last year before he was dubbed. Maybe this will help. He does have pearly white earlobes. The red pyle areas on him seem to be getting darker all the time.

It will be so nice to have some good broodies.

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I will have to remember to post pics to show you what we end up with on the game rock combo.

Here's another one that I fell in love with. He looked a little gangly with his long legs when I got him, but it grew on me. What I couldn't get over was the coloring on his feathers and the gold. Love the gold. I don't have any recent pictures to show you how beautiful this roo turned out and sadly he lost his life a couple of weeks ago when a coon got in the coop but his band of banty hens did not have a mark on them. Anyway here are some pics showing the greens, purples and reds reflecting off his black feathers. Sorry focus not too good but hard to sneak up on him and get a good shot close up.


Look at those legs:

All is not lost. Take a look at this baby hatched from the banty hens. Has to be his son:

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