Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

Does my RIR x Blue Australorp count. I am a proud chook mummy

Does my RIR x Blue Australorp count. I am a proud chook mummy

hummm, I'm thinking you have a Blue Laced Wyondotte there. I had one once. Very pretty birds. Who told you she was a mix? She looks pure BLW to me! Very pretty. ?

My first chicks were red sex links that I got from tractor supply. Such sweet girls! The chicken in my pic is my favorite chicken on earth, 'Sadie'. She's now almost a year old and such a great layer. Get eggs from her almost every single day!

She looks like she was a pretty friendly baby. Do you have a picture of her older? Some are lighter than others, some quite dark. I have two now, one dark, and one light. They are great layers aren't they?

Sadie today :)
Growing up, she would always be the first to jump out of the brooder to get to me whenever I walked past it. Took long naps on me. Wouldn't let the other 28 chicks get any of my attention. Literally had to have my friend help me pay attention to them all because Sadie hogged me. If my friend tried to hold her, she would to to escape. Definitely my girl.
Hi Cynthia

She is adorable. She is 100% the lovechick of my fabulous pure blue Australorp Russell the rooster ( russell cos he crows ) , and my pure Rhode Island red hen. I have a pure blue australorp hen ( nugget ) and she has the lovely dark legs and eyes and the white striped toenails but the chook pictured is definately the RIR x BA mix. Out of every 40 hatchings I only get 2 that look like this.

I wish i had a blue wyandotte. They are the holy grail of chooks for me. blue wyandottes, a maran and a scots dumpy and i would be in chook heaven.



Sadie today :)
Growing up, she would always be the first to jump out of the brooder to get to me whenever I walked past it. Took long naps on me. Wouldn't let the other 28 chicks get any of my attention. Literally had to have my friend help me pay attention to them all because Sadie hogged me. If my friend tried to hold her, she would to to escape. Definitely my girl.

Yep, that there, is a pretty little red SL! Mine is very friendly also. :)
Hi Cynthia

She is adorable. She is 100% the lovechick of my fabulous pure blue Australorp Russell the rooster ( russell cos he crows ) , and my pure Rhode Island red hen. I have a pure blue australorp hen ( nugget ) and she has the lovely dark legs and eyes and the white striped toenails but the chook pictured is definately the RIR x BA mix. Out of every 40 hatchings I only get 2 that look like this.

I wish i had a blue wyandotte. They are the holy grail of chooks for me. blue wyandottes, a maran and a scots dumpy and i would be in chook heaven.



That is interesting! Wow, could have sworn that gal had some wyondotte in her. Very pretty.

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