Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

that is sooo cute! Love your coop set up in the background. How many do you have (girls)?

I am guessing you were talking to me? The one with the chickens peeking in? That coop, is the little coop. We call that the straight out coop because it is straight out from the back door. :D
It isn't painted. I keep my bantam in there, and put small pullets in there for a while until they are ready to go out with the big girls. Here is a picture of my bigger coop. I have 5 LF laying hens right now, and my little bantam Faverolle is laying. They count! ha, I like one of hers on a piece of toast.

Oh my goodness..this is the only picture I could find of my coop and run! Now you have
me wanting to get out there to get a picture of it! Ha..I will when it gets warmer again. It's
snowing again as I type. We were in the 60's a while back, now this. :( Anyway, there
is the main coop, you can see it peeking out at the top. The run around it, and I have a
separate run at the end for younger pullets when they come from the nursery hutch, which
is behind the larger coop. Whew..make sense? There is a small hutch behind the big
coop, it's pretty nice to have that out there, so when my babies get too big in the house,
out they go to the nursery hutch as I call it. I have a heat lamp in that too.
I love everything about mine except that dot (the smalllest one ) will try to hide her eggs by laying them somwhere else but she has not gone broody yet. One time I found six eggs on a nest from where she had moved. Is there any way to stop this
I have 3 Red Sexlinks... Popcorn, Peep and Nugget...
Along with 3 White Leghorns.

Ooo, up for some good ol layin hens. You are going to be in eggs this fall. Nice pick in chicks for eggs! I like those names too..may steal one of them..popcorn..he he..cute.

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