Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

lol... that's something to look forward to! How do you get all the feathers out of the coop when they molt? Vacuum cleaner? lol.
i raked them out weekly. with a rake since mine got trapped on the hard wire cloth i use for a floor. it lasted for about a month. all four of mine did it around the same time. some lost more feathers than others.
These are 2 of my 6 rsl's, C.C. (the roo) & Biscuit.
very loving birds!

I just posted my rsl on another site that is 10 weeks old and because she/he is almost all white, everyone said it's a roo. Yet looking at this picuture, it looks like the hen in the back is almost all white like mine. Can an rsl be this white and still be a hen?
Here is a picture of the 10 week old I'm referring to. Does anyone have any pictures of a young RSL that was the color of mine that also turned out to be a hen? I really, really want to keep her.

I don't know i have only started with red sex links....... but as you know a red sex link is a cross so although the parents are the same as the other hens and roos a small percentage (say 1 or 2) will come out looking like the mom or the dad.

At least that is what i think.

I could very well be wrong... it is just an educated guess from my limited experiance with genetics.

But as i say the best way to know if it is a hen or rooster is when it eather lays an egg or crows :D
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Cleopatra: Your chick looks allot like a RSL rooster but it can be hard to tell. If you look at my avatar, those hens are common RSL females. I didn't raise them from chicks so I don't know if they are lighter in color when they are young.
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I don't know i have only started with red sex links....... but as you know a red sex link is a cross so although the parents are the same as the other hens and roos a small percentage (say 1 or 2) will come out looking like the mom or the dad.

At least that is what i think.

I could very well be wrong... it is just an educated guess from my limited experiance with genetics.

But as i say the best way to know if it is a hen or rooster is when it eather lays an egg or crows :D
I don't believe the colouring of the hens and roosters is random. The ideal RSL is a cross between a red rooster and a white hen. The hens turn out mostly red with some white under feathers and the roosters turn out white with golden cape feathers and a few brown markings.
I have two full grown hens and a 5-6 week old pullet. She looks about like that only she has a tad, and i mean just a tad more red than yours. I know mine is a hen because in the store she was labeled as a pullet
Thanks you guys! Keep the info coming. I was told that this was a pullet as well and the lady who sold it to me has 20 years experience with chickens. Then when I posted pictures everyone said it was for sure a roo. It does have a slightly bigger comb than most at 10 weeks, but I don't see the wattles so I'm just hoping for the best. I'll be sure and post pictures as she/he matures. Thanks again!

This is Sunshine at about 4 weeks. She has buckets of attitude and spunk and curiosity. I think she's queen of the roost, but she's still friendly to us, and not mean to the others.

This is her again on the left, now about 6wks, and Lucy my BSL, and Cheep my other RSL and the very friendliest in the flock of 4 hens. She likes being held and is very docile. She always holds her wings like that off her back a bit and has fluffed feathers between them making her look permanently disheveled.

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