Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:


4 out of 6 are laying now.
Hey I found this chicken in a KFC parking lot and was just wondering how old it is and if it's a girl.
I think the birds would thrive in most all climates. I used to raise BO's. My rooster came from a breeder in PA as an egg. The eggs were shipped to FL hatched. I loved my BO's but I have way to many birds and decided I needed to concentrate on other breeds of my choice so I sold them. I did keep one girl as the others picked on her terribly. She is looking much better now since I put her in a pen with some of my RIR's. She looks a little raggedy still but most of her feathers have grown back in as the other birds picked at her. I moved her to another pen with my RIW's and they picked on her. I put Blue-Kote on the areas where the other birds were picking at her. She still has a little of the blue on her but most has grown out. There was a time when she wouldn't come out of her coop but now with the RIR girls she is once again part of a flock.

Young boys

One of my broody's and her chicks.

My Roo who came as an egg from breeder in PA. This picture is deceiving as he is a big bird.

A broody and her chicks.

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