Silkie Holiday Hatch-a-long

Congratulations on the new chicks ! I have 3 new ones hatched yesterday and today. 1 black , one blue and one ? until it is dry. I have three more in the hatcher to hatch on the 17 th and then some for Christmas ( 3) and some for New Years.
Well..7 babies hatched and doing well.. The others all dead in their shells. I'm not sure what happened. I never opened the incubator. Temp steady at 99.5 and humidity at 62. We are happy with the 7. They are gorgeous lavender, porcelain, blue splash and buff.

Congrats to everyone on their babies!

Painted feathers I hope your hatch is ok!!
Tomorrow is Day 16 for us. We stop turning, remove the tray dividers and lay eggs on their side. 8 eggs still look viable, but the active embryo in the video is now very quiet.

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