Silkie thread!

Also, how do you sex silkies?

when they are a bit older and there crest fills out the males will have what is called streamers long pieces of feather of fur ( whatever you want to call it i call it fur )
sticking out of the crest females do not have that

hope this helps
If anyone can help me .. 3 week old standard size silkie :/ I'm thinking a roo... We're not allowed to have roosters is there a such things as a quiet rooster ? :( thank you for any help ..

If anyone can help me .. 3 week old standard size silkie
I'm thinking a roo... We're not allowed to have roosters is there a such things as a quiet rooster ?
thank you for any help ..

Our cockerel wouldn't shut up. We wanted to keep him because he was so sweet but way too noisy for our suburban neighborhood and had to re-home him. It was hard because we got attached to him. Now I only buy older juvenile pullets or maybe next time get a DNA-sexed chick from Amber Waves Silkies. I can't go through raising cute little Silkie chicks to just give the roos away.
his crest needs to be bigger before i can help :th

Not sure if this is a better shot ? I will say all 4 hens follow "it" around .. So I don't know if that means anything. Thank you for your input


I'll be sure to repost another picture .. I'm not sure if it is roo where to post to find him a good home :( I reside in ocean twp
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