~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

You go!
YESSSSS! Power in numbers!


Ok,so.what are your favorite animals?
Oh goodness, to many to count, but if I narrow it down to pets, it would be dogs. I've always had this connection to them. My mother once told me that when I was a baby I would sleep on our old basset hound's dog bed with her. Which is actually kind of gross........ But yeah.

What's yours?
Oh goodness, to many to count, but if I narrow it down to pets, it would be dogs. I've always had this connection to them. My mother once told me that when I was a baby I would sleep on our old basset hound's dog bed with her. Which is actually kind of gross........  But yeah. 

What's yours?

Um......cats,chickens,dogs,rabbits,chicks,ducks,chicks,chickens,foxes,kittens,geckos,and so much more.,lol

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