~*Silver Bantams Chat Thread Of Epic Awesomeness*~

Oh no! I'm so sorry :( I'll make sure to look up the thread. How fun! Was it warm there? (I have no idea on the weather where you live, nor have I ever been over seas- I'm simply curious cx) How long were you away for? I bet all the critters back home missed you! Did you get them in Europe? I can so imagine that, like some souvenir shop with tiny chickens for sale amongst the T-shirts and magnets. Awesome idea, actually. I think you might have to show us some pictures too, now c; Our flock are fine, I just remembered before though (after answering Darth) about one of our mix breed random hens. We've had her for about eight months now, and all the first six months or so I just assumed she was some sort of RhodeIsland Red, or maybe a cross 'cause she's a bit small. And then she moulted over Winter, and has a fantabulous white neck O-O I was like ''Waaaaa?". It looks kinda funky actually, I'll try get a picture. The rabbits are doing well; had a few losses, but also now have a new junior doe, Lola. Here she is. Well, sort of. They're so quite and lovely when you first meet them and when they're out places etc, but I think now that everyone's got comfortable with each other the fights are starting to arise. What exactly is 'Blackhead'? Sorry, I honestly have no idea cx Ok, I'll hold you to that c;
Oh geez... that has to be rough. Lol, its fine. I've looked up blackhead awhile ago and don't really remember much of it (but I probably should fix that) besides that turkeys can get from chickens if the turkey consumes dirt with cecal (think thats how you spell it) worms. I know one sign of it in turkeys is sulfur colored poop and ifnyou don't catch it soon, the bird will nore than likely die. But don't account me on all this info, because its a little faded;) Here they are :D They wouldn't let me get a close pic of them really. They always seem to know when the camera is coming out.
Here's one of them
And the other three excluding the one on the right. She's a blue copper maran.
I. Want. One.

So is Blackhead something chickens carry then? Sounds nasty.

They are so cute! Love that second picture, they obviously like the perch cx So are they all your current tookins?

Thanks, Frin c: She's four and a half moths now, so hopefully by the end of the year we'll have some mini Lola's!

I'll see if I can get one today c:
Too long- I'll make sure I get on to talk whenever I can c;

And yea, you could say that. Or you could say it's extremely exhausting- both mentally and physically- requires allot of patience (which I feel I don't have, right now ;-; ), and is one of the few things that could quite possibly drive one to insanity. I mean, they're great kids, but...

Oh, that stinks. At least you've got one though; are you gonna keep her? I'd love to get some more hens, especially some of my favourites (can't even remember what they're called right now. We have one little hen of the breed though- love the wee thing <3 ). Post some pictures? They sound wonderful c:

Our chickens are all good, just starting to get back into business with laying after a cold, wet Winter.

I know!!! :eek: -Huggle- I had a look at it, did you sort the problem? Didn't read through the whole thread c:

Frin! I know, I can't even remember when we last talked O-O I'm doing pretty well, better lately. I think the 'winter blues' were really starting to get to me, but we've had about a week of on and off sun now. So I'm happy c: What about you? How are all your adorably frizzy chickens?
In a way. It doesn't seem to be happening anymore but we did find a sparrow flopping around outside, drooling, with diarrhea on it.... So it apparently is a sickness.
I. Want. One. So is Blackhead something chickens carry then? Sounds nasty. They are so cute! Love that second picture, they obviously like the perch cx So are they all your current tookins? Thanks, Frin c: She's four and a half moths now, so hopefully by the end of the year we'll have some mini Lola's! I'll see if I can get one today c:
Yes, but I believe chickens can get it too, but are more resistant. Aww!!! What is it? :love It's so tiny Thanks!
I. Want. One.

So is Blackhead something chickens carry then? Sounds nasty.

They are so cute! Love that second picture, they obviously like the perch cx So are they all your current tookins?

Thanks, Frin c: She's four and a half moths now, so hopefully by the end of the year we'll have some mini Lola's!

I'll see if I can get one today c:

That is so cute!
Ok so does any one here have any advice about goats? I got one yesterday and though I've done quite a bit of research, I've never actually raised one. It's a baby Pygmy. It was weaned the day I got it
it seems really lonely....
Ok so does any one here have any advice about goats? I got one yesterday and though I've done quite a bit of research, I've never actually raised one. It's a baby Pygmy. It was weaned the day I got it
it seems really lonely....

Hi! I have been raising goats for a while. What do you need? You also might want to post in the 'Goat' section of BYC.
Hi! I have been raising goats for a while.  What do you need? You also might want to post in the 'Goat' section of BYC.

Ok so my kid is still young pretty young ( like was weaned Saturday) and I don't know wether or not I should go ahead and buy him formula or just let him toughen up. Also I know that his diet is changing so his poop is a little runny but how long should I wait for him to get used to it before I should start getting worried? Thanks for any help :)
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