So I forgot to lock the aviary gate...


6 Years
May 1, 2018
Boise, ID
My Coop
My Coop
...during a windstorm, and the door must have been open and swinging for about an hour. The birds are no strangers to hoping through the doorway when it's treat time, but I'm always there to pop them back in.

When my family realized what was going on, everyone geared up with pool nets and flashlights. My heart was in my throat, ready for the worst. But after closing the door and counting the birdies (and my dear brother double-checking every shrub in the yard 😭) it seems I have 0 runaways.

Just wanted to share and wish a little extra good luck into everyone's lives.
...during a windstorm, and the door must have been open and swinging for about an hour. The birds are no strangers to hoping through the doorway when it's treat time, but I'm always there to pop them back in.

When my family realized what was going on, everyone geared up with pool nets and flashlights. My heart was in my throat, ready for the worst. But after closing the door and counting the birdies (and my dear brother double-checking every shrub in the yard 😭) it seems I have 0 runaways.

Just wanted to share and wish a little extra good luck into everyone's lives.
That’s sooo awesome!!! I have lost many a bird to forgetting to lock and double check the gate!!!

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