South Carolina

Here is another hen you are getting amy
Thanks, Samantha! They are some gorgeous birds!
These are excellent breeding quality and I am glad Nella Bean is letting me have some of mine back and helping me to get some diversity with other blood, too. I let others do the showing and never advertise mine as show quality as there can be faults here and there that keeps them from being put in front of a judge. However, you can read the standard and look at mine and certainly do your fair share of drooling! LOL
Wait til you see the ones at Newnan! There will be some awesome bantam Cochins there! Makes my knees weak to see the shape and form on them. If not for the paint job on some of mine I would certainly consider getting up in the middle of teh night and taking them to shows. Just to add to the beauty already there. But I will wait until my Mille Fleur pattern are completed and then help get them recognized in the APA and ABA by entering them. It will still be a few years but I am trying to be a dedicated breeder to this project since there are so few.

Now off to ship out 6 boxes of eggs, 4 boxes of meal worms and a trio of bantam Cochins. Mondays!
And the overmottled hen I kept originally and gave you the other....she is going to you. She was being too nosy to get a good pix

Oh! But still I can tell she is wide and was always happy to think I would get her. She is another one for Ranger.

Absolutely made my day to see the girls! I am excited to get them. I guess you know that! My bantam Cochins are such a wonderful bunch and I enjoy my days with them. Their talking, expressions and cute fat bodies!
Thank you!
We should have goat baby/babies today!!
her "mucas" is leaking!!

Give the new babies kisses from me! I love new babies!

I have never owned goats that had babies but they were on horse farms where I worked and I helped care for them. I loved nuzzling new babies and watching them grow up.
They usually always had some for the horses that needed calm companions so I have grumbled about having to deal with them quite a bit but they were worth it.
Amy, you are right.....she is indeed nice and wide across the back. Just not photogenic. Every time I open that brooder shed, she comes running over to seee what's going on. Crazy thing.

You are also getting 2 out of the bottom brooder. Didn't get good pix of them. 4 girls in that brooder. Whichever 2 don't go to you will be sold with my mr mottled son (brother to overmottled boy you got from me) as a nice trio.

Also....cowboy kids. Dixie wants a blue mottled and black mottled girl I think. I think that leaves a blue mottled girls and 2 small girls...can't remember the colors. Also, 5 boys. If you don't tell me no, I may send you the cowboy sons that don't sell at the show. They are all VERY heavily mottled and I think you should grow them out and pick out a cowboy replacement.
EEK! Check out the homepage for BYC! I created a "My Chickens Page" a while back and mine made POW! The pic on the main paige is of my first chick I ever hatched who is no longer with me (coccidia :( ) But I was super excited to see that my page got picked!

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