Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

You're all so good. I ended up with 6 ducks from TSC: 2 Pekin, 1 khaki, 1 black Swedish, 1 rouen I had to get because she was runty and has a crest on the *side* of her head, and 1 magpie (I think). I figured they'd be out of the brooder by the time the chicks arrive by the end of April :) . I really couldn't resist.

Now to build a duck house.... Lol

I can't wait for the chicken fest! I live 5 minutes from Gossett's and go to the farmers market almost every weekend (great market!) . Looks like it'll be fun :)
OK I started reading from my last unread post and gave up after about half an hour.
I was into January. UGH.
So whatever I missed, I give up.
At least all well almost all of the snow has melted.

I hate winter and go into hibernation.
The only thing getting me out of bed is to care for the birds.
Where DID all these chickens come from??????

Went to the allergist, he says I am not allergic to chickens.
I've been off all my meds since December.
Hellllp meeeeee!
Been so sick since the last show in December in Knoxville, my immune system couldn't catch up.
Just got the OK to go back on them. No prednisone. I miss it.

I ordered chicks a few weeks ago, nothing really exotic, but CFG is feeding even more birds now.
I forgot the list upstairs, and dread going back up to get it.
Will post later what is here.

OH.... the disease seminar with Doc Brown.....
Looks like it may come together for the CT show June 1st, not sure if it will be the same day or the Sunday after,
or if it even will come together at all. Still working on it.
Doc has found a new supplier of Mareks vaccine and it will be $12.95 a bottle. Yippee!

OK I had to go up and pee and get my beer I took so long, so I have the list.
4 Spitzhauben
5 Favorelles
4 Barred Rock
3 White Rock
2 Rhode Island Red
0 Buff Brahma
0 Light Brahma
1 Buff Orp
0 Easter Egger
1 Australorp
Another white thing with blue grey legs, I have no clue!
Remember anyone can drop dead at any time, pick a backup if you are interested!
I may even change my mind and keep a few. Hahahaha.
And it looks like they did me a favor and gave me a Blue Orpington cockerel, so if anyone wants him before I do the deed, speak now.

This is taking way too long.
I'm going to bed.
Christine, I lost the names, I'll find them again.

Carolyn252, let me know when you want your girls
they are so sweet.

Maggie, I have showgirls, and some Silkie pullets. A few colors.

Syedali, pick from the list. I'll PM you too.

Good night!
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OK I started reading from my last unread post and gave up after about half an hour.
I was into January. UGH.
So whatever I missed, I give up.
At least all well almost all of the snow has melted.

I hate winter and go into hibernation.
The only thing getting me out of bed is to care for the birds.
Where DID all these chickens come from??????

Went to the allergist, he says I am not allergic to chickens.
I've been off all my meds since December.
Hellllp meeeeee!
Been so sick since the last show in December in Knoxville, my immune system couldn't catch up.
Just got the OK to go back on them. No prednisone. I miss it.

I ordered chicks a few weeks ago, nothing really exotic, but CFG is feeding even more birds now.
I forgot the list upstairs, and dread going back up to get it.
Will post later what is here.

OH.... the disease seminar with Doc Brown.....
Looks like it may come together for the CT show June 1st, not sure if it will be the same day or the Sunday after,
or if it even will come together at all. Still working on it.
Doc has found a new supplier of Mareks vaccine and it will be $12.95 a bottle. Yippee!

OK I had to go up and pee and get my beer I took so long, so I have the list.
4 Spitzhauben
5 Favorelles
4 Barred Rock
3 White Rock
4 Rhode Island Red
1 Buff Brahma
1 Light Brahma
1 Buff Orp
1 Easter Egger
1 Australorp
Another white thing with blue grey legs, I have no clue!
Remember anyone can drop dead at any time, pick a backup if you are interested!
I may even change my mind and keep a few. Hahahaha.
And it looks like they did me a favor and gave me a Blue Orpington cockerel, so if anyone wants him before I do the deed, speak now.

This is taking way too long.
I'm going to bed.
Christine, I lost the names, I'll find them again.

Carolyn252, let me know when you want your girls
they are so sweet.

Maggie, I have showgirls, and some Silkie pullets. A few colors.

Syedali, pick from the list. I'll PM you too.

Good night!

Roberta, So, so, sorry you're feeling so poorly. This winter has been a doozey!!! I've been thinking about you often. Wondering how your health was holding up after our last talk. Prednisone, possible allergies, etc., etc. I posted a couple of long posts about this a few days ago. [see post # 12869 of 6 days ago and post # 12873 of 5 days ago.] I'm almost paralyzed with muscle pain if I don't take my prednisone, so I am shuddering knowing that you are no longer taking it. See the other posts surrounding mine: shows that many of us on this forum thread (Heather, JerseyHen, Al, ) are struggling with immune problems/arthritis/prednisone/corticosteroids, etc. What the heck is going on?!!!!!!!!

Roberta: your post included a "Helllllllp Meeeeeeee" so here's my two cents. For what it's worth: I've been taking two fat tablespoons of Coconut Oil every morning for the past three weeks. I just mix it into my hot oatmeal. Maybe it takes two weeks to "kick in", or maybe it's got nothing to do with the Coconut Oil at all, but honest to G-d, I've been waking up with the pain vastly diminished for the past 8 days. See, on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd wake up every morning around 7am with muscle pain at about an 8 on the pain scale in my arms, legs, hands, neck. I'd immediately take the prednisone and by 1pm or so, the prednisone will have calmed the inflamed muscles so that the pain was down to around a "2". At a 2 on the pain scale, I can do all my chores and drive the car and stuff. (at an 8, I can barely get the oatmeal into the microwave. Can't lift my arm that high). But now, with the Coconut Oil the morning pain is at a low of 2. Maybe it's all mumbo jumbo nonsense, and I'm just in some coincidental natural remission phase, but I am SO grateful. So, I'm recommending it to you all. Can't hurt. right? Here's what the label says on the kind that I'm using: "Nature's Way" EfaGold Coconut Oil, Organic, Pure Extra Virgin, with 62% MCTs. I buy it at Wild By Nature supermarket, but I've seen it at regular health food stores, too. I'm still taking the prednisone of course, but my monthly exam and blood test at the rheumatologist is this coming Thursday, and I'm real curious to see what the blood test results will show. The test shows the markers for rheumatoid/autoimmune/inflammatory conditions. If they're down, he'll no doubt lower my prednisone dosage again. We shall see.

As to my two new little frizzle girls. So happy, happy, to hear that they are sweeties. Have they started laying yet? Just curious. Hoping to get warm enough weather to take the winter tarps off the ChickArena and then get a few strong guys in from craigslist to shovel out the year's worth of deep litter and then hose down the entire setup. Oxyine, vinegar, scrub brush, powerwash, and a whole day or two in the hot sun and fresh air and then bring in the new girls. How does the third or fourth week in April sound to you?

I'm going to copy and paste this whole post and email it to you to make sure that you see it.

Regards and hugs
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I have a theory about auto immune diseases, actually, I am not alone in this theory and more and more research is supporting it. It is what has prompted me to continue my studies in environmental medicine. It is involved and complicated and too much to type. If anyone ever wants to chat about it, just pm me and I will give you a call.

At any rate, it looks like we could have a prednisone/autoimmune/arthritide/chronic disease support group in here. I have my followup on friday, then another ultrasound on my carotids next month, so I will know soon if I continue on my taper. I am down to 10 mg now and I am really feeling it. My doc warned me that it will be a bad taper, especially when I hit 7.5. Yippee. I just want off this stuff though.

Coconut oil has a huge variety of uses. It really is supposed to be fantastic. Personally, I don't like the taste it imparts in my food (not a big coconut fan anyway). There is actually mounting evidence that we have been wrong about saturated fats vs mono and poly fats. It seems that saturated plant fats and saturated animals fats (from pastured/organic/nongmo) might not be all that bad for a person. It will take some time to bear out though, as with all new findings there needs to be copious follow up studies performed to be sure.
I have a theory about auto immune diseases, actually, I am not alone in this theory and more and more research is supporting it. It is what has prompted me to continue my studies in environmental medicine. It is involved and complicated and too much to type. If anyone ever wants to chat about it, just pm me and I will give you a call.

At any rate, it looks like we could have a prednisone/autoimmune/arthritide/chronic disease support group in here. I have my followup on friday, then another ultrasound on my carotids next month, so I will know soon if I continue on my taper. I am down to 10 mg now and I am really feeling it. My doc warned me that it will be a bad taper, especially when I hit 7.5. Yippee. I just want off this stuff though.

Coconut oil has a huge variety of uses. It really is supposed to be fantastic. Personally, I don't like the taste it imparts in my food (not a big coconut fan anyway). There is actually mounting evidence that we have been wrong about saturated fats vs mono and poly fats. It seems that saturated plant fats and saturated animals fats (from pastured/organic/nongmo) might not be all that bad for a person. It will take some time to bear out though, as with all new findings there needs to be copious follow up studies performed to be sure.

So good to read what you wrote, JerseyHen. Much appreciated. Maybe reconsider the ten seconds of taste displeasure versus the impact of long term prednisone & pain. Just for three weeks or so, just to see if it helps you. I'll pm you and send you my phone number just as soon as today's projects are done. (Company coming for the weekend and I've got shopping to do, a brisket to make, maybe a luckshun kugel as well. We shall see. Yum.) I am eager to hear your autoimmune theory. Very much. -Carolyn
Hi everyone. It IS crazy about the steroids..I'm taking Advair so I can breathe with all these weather and temp changes.
Nice to hear about the coconut oil...I'm sure I knew that but senioritis list the info.
Roberta, im also interested in a silkie or two or can coordinate with Maggie. I guess I should also see which of the four I just bought turn out to be pullets and which roos. Oh, and , uh, what hatches this week from the 30+ eggs in the incubator. Lol
Looking forward to reading more about health coming to everyone. Best to all.
I actually have coconut oil, I use it in making soap.
Carolyn, no eggs yet. Cochins are a slow maturing bird, and it doesn't help that they are in quarantine in a too small cage in my garage. But I try to get them outside as much as I can. Late April is fine, let me know when you're ready.
I also have Showgirls, but so many, as usual, are boys.
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Got you down, Syed. Let me know when is best for you.
These guys (girls) are in my basement and cannot go outside, but can be kept in the house without heat until it gets warm enough to go out.

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