Southern vs. Northern Speak

Alright here's how i say it "Co-Cola" my mama use to call it a "Co-Coler"

Its a buggy and layin out of school

Forget the "roof" we just said up there on top of the house

We "warshed" clothes and hanged em out on the clothes line

We ate breakfast, dinner and then supper (still do)

It's a creek and sometimes it would warsh if it rained a spell.
How come?

Fit to be tied
Lickety Split
"Scarce as a Hen's Teeth"
Sho Nuff'
Slap your pappy... just to name a few
and aparantely Hush Puppies and "Frog Gigging" isn't something done everywhere!

ohhh and What do you call a carbonated drink?
1. Mt. Dew duh!

3.playing hookie

Melodylee = Arkansawyer, Arkansan, Arkie
Function: Adjective or noun
1: A resident or native of Arkansas.
2: Referring to a resident or native of Arkansas.
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1. Soft drink (or soda)

2. Cart

3. Skipping

I also 'red up the house' for guests. I ask my husband to 'throw me in some hot dogs' for lunch. (From childhood PA dutch influence).

Lived in NC for 11 years ... so now my speech & colloquialisms are totally skewed.

We're back in PA now and I might ask ... 'would you like some coffee, or no?'

My sister makes spagettis (she knows there is more than ONE). That seems common in her area. As is 'you'ens' not you's. I've even heard people say they'll get the 'coffees' ... !
In our house we drink soda, which we put in a buggie at the store and if you miss school you skip it(sometimeswe also say AWOL from school, but that is military talk)
If we were able to do something at one point but are not able anymore , we "used to could".
Years ago, i had a friend visiting from Jersey. Her boyfriend was still in Jersey, so he called each evening to talk to her. So one night when he called, i told him that she had gone to the store to get a grinder. He laughed and laughed and laughed and when he caught his breath he asked what on earth would she be getting a grinder for? She would not even know what to do with a grinder. So i told him that she is going to eat the grinder. By this time, we both thought the other was nuts. Somehow, he figures out that i was meaning a 'hoagie' as the jersey people apparently call it
or a 'sub'. But NEVER a grinder........Sheeeeesh.......thats a power tool he said
She's gonna eat a grinder

So i have no idea what is the most common word for this, but all i ever knew to call it was a grinder
I have heard 'why come'

And until I lived in KY, I thought a 'Hush Puppy' was a brand of shoe. Remember Buster Brown and the basset hound?

Its a hoagie sandwich where I am, in KY they call them grinders.
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Okay.. now ya'll got me going...

DH's fathers side is from WV and I get tickled every time I talk to his 88 y/o Grandma whom I love dearly.

Ask her how she is and she'll tell you: "bout half"

Tomatos are "maters" potatos are "Taters"

Computer - puter

Squash is "Squarsh"

Rinse is "rinch"

Diabetes is "the sugars"

Love it when she says "something done creeped up on me" when she doesnt feel good then follows it up with "bout half" or "them there"

love her to pieces.
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