Strangest and Silliest Chicken Names?

I have 2 barred rocks, Dorothy and Chickadee, and 2 buff orps, Hazel and Rhonda. Rhonda has a limp. For some reason people always laugh when I say that.
I can barely tell Dorothy and Chickadee apart, and I usually call the orps "Blondie".
Got my first six chickens and my grandkids named them all. My wyndotte they named Bethany. One day my granddaughter came to me and Bethany is down there crowing! He starts at 6:15 every morning crowing his heart out and we are still calling him Bethany.
I have a Barred Rock named Chickadee too!
Well, my pair of Black Rosecomb Bantams are Mr. Rose and Mrs. Rose, obviously. Then there are the three EE roosters who free range; one has a wonderful gray beard and muffs so he became Prince Edward (like Prince-Edward-in-a-can). The royal trend continued and his less sartorially gifted brother became Albert. The poor guy with hardly any beard at all became Jerald, aka Jerry! Jerry! The two Wyandotte roosters who wander from the house up the hill are called Brewster I and Brewster II.

Then there is the cat named Prince Corwin, Lord of Amber. And another I named Sonny Crockett (RIP Sonny). A black cat I have is called, variously, Purrball, PB, or Peanut Butter. Another black cat started out as Old Man, which morphed into Shadowman, and has now been shortened to just Man.

I've noticed that names tend to morph...
I have an unnamed chick I'm starting to think of as "Nobody"...don't know why...she's very sweet and I love her, but that name keeps popping into my head.
Mister Wimbleshire
Greta Wiffingford
Esme Hefflestork
Midge Foddlehood
Masie Buzzletidge
Etta Faffingwater
Lucy Peffingworth
Daisy Blabberfirk
Ginger Gaggleham
Belle Fassleditch
Bertie Fizzlenit
Lizzie Pickleberry
Daphne Dundlepuff
Dixie Pigglefig
Thelma Dorfwaddle
Crockpot, Drumstick, Oregano and Barbecue.

Ours have to have food names even though they are egg-laying hens because when they stop laying we will eat them. I don't think I could eat a chicken named Bessie, Mabel or Fluffy, but to eat a chicken named Drumstick? Not a problem.

I've already named the next two and I won't even get them until spring: two Dominiques to be called Fricassee and Marsala.

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