Sumatra Thread!

I don't have breeders so I don't know exactly what some would consider a good ration but I do know that 18-22% is what a lot of people feed though I don't know what kinds of things are in the mix for nutrients I just know the protein, I would add nutrena's feather fixer, I'm not here just to promote the brand and I don't use it except in the fall but it helps get them going good again after the molt, and there is some added stuff that isn't in the regular layer feed I get. Sumatras aren't that fluffy so it shouldn't be the fluff causing the trouble.

Ill add something in the mix and keep checking weekly. Thank you!
My daughter's biology class is looking for someone to donate eggs for them to incubate. They are looking for pure breeds so they can sell the chicks to help offset the cost of a field trip. I will pay the shipping. Thank you for your help. We really like the black sumatra
I have seven Sumatra eggs on day nine in the hovabator. A splash rooster over blue and black hen's. Enjoying this thread...I hope I get a good hatch. This breed sounds like fun! :)
Hey guys I have not posted in a while, but I thought I should check in. I hope you all are well. Well my Not-Sumatras are laying great. :) Hubby is on his 3rd round of chemo, I caught a nasty 6 week cold and was ill for a while but had to work through it and it was a nasty respiratory bug... so between hubbies needs & my own I have been exhausted. However hubby surprised me yesterday with "we should expand the coop and get another bird." He knows I like Sumatra, Yokohama and Phoenix birds. So I am hoping we start the add on soon, cross the fingers guys. My dark hen likes to try and brood eggs, so I think chicks could be slipped under her and she would be a good mum. My garden is in shambles (6 weeks of no weeding... yikes) and most of the plants I started from seed cutter worms have killed, total bummer, I had Queen Anne Pocket Melons started. The corn looks good though.

So pictures of my two spoiled Not-Sumatras. Just checked them for parasites, still looking clean, so happy about that especially since the Morning Doves (which I do like seeing) are super brave about getting near the coop, even caught them going inside when it is open, so I close it up now when I let the girls out to discourage that. Do not need the girls getting pests from them.

I hope all your guy's chicks do well. ;) Happy Chicken Keeping!

Crud. I just now found out not all Sumatra's are black. I ordered them for my daughter from My Pet Chicken. The older they get (they're only 8 days) the more yellow/white they seem to be getting. Any hope of them turning black once they start the ugly stage?

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