Super cute rescued Mallard pictures! Enjoy!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
Upperco, MD
Guess they love us after all! Week took them outside for the first time since we got them and this was WAAAAAY cute!!

Love this shot!! ^^^

Did you say something??

I want to come play with duckies but mommy says I will eat them :(

"We're coming!! Wait up!"

Just by looking at him, you would think my boyfriend is a tough guy...This picture proves that you shouldn't judge
So, where did you get them. I love them. I saw a mallard male today at my stream.
A friend found them in a really busy town infront of his work, in the parking lot. He watched all day and there was no momma duck so I came and got them. 2 have left us, but these guys seem to be going strong! Eating and drinking very well, and clearly having a lot of fun, too!
Great pics. And I totally laughed at the dog pic. My pointer does the same thing lol he sits at the door and puts the sad face on when he cant go outside and "play" with the chicks and ducks. lol I dont trust him yet, he's getting better but I know he still wants to eat them.

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