Sweet PDZ?

Sweet PDZ is a horse stall refresher that, in gravel form, resembles cat litter but it smells better. It's 100% safe for use with chickens (I use it!). I have a poop shelf under my roosts in the coop and it's filled with Sweet PDZ. I scoop it every few days with a cat litter scoop and it keeps allllll that crazy night poop out of the coop and off the floor. It's a very clean way of doing things and I have yet to replace or add to my shavings in the coop in 21 weeks of them living there. PM me if you want more info or have questions.
I just bought a 50lb bag at the local feed store in the horse section. I don't ever change it, just scoop it. I might need to add more in a year or so, but I started off with 2 bags of it on the shelf and it still looks the same! Don't remember what I paid but it's worth it, there's NO stink and NO poop in my coop!

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