Sweet PDZ?

Sweet PDZ is a horse stall refresher that, in gravel form, resembles cat litter but it smells better. It's 100% safe for use with chickens (I use it!). I have a poop shelf under my roosts in the coop and it's filled with Sweet PDZ. I scoop it every few days with a cat litter scoop and it keeps allllll that crazy night poop out of the coop and off the floor. It's a very clean way of doing things and I have yet to replace or add to my shavings in the coop in 21 weeks of them living there. PM me if you want more info or have questions.
I have used the sweet PDZ under the roosts for months and absolutely love it (just like everyone else).

One problem was the kitty litter scoop did NOT pick up the "tiny" pieces of poop, and regular kitchen strainers were too fine for the PDZ granules. I just bought the strainer below (designed for cleaning sand in reptile tanks) and it works perfectly, gets even the tiniest bits of poop out of the PDZ and the granules shake right through it and come out looking like new.

Thought I would share in case someone else was trying to find a strainer/scoop that would clean better than cat littler scoops, bought it on Amazon for $6. It is called the Zoo Med Repto Sand Litter Scoop

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I just bought a 50lb bag at the local feed store in the horse section. I don't ever change it, just scoop it. I might need to add more in a year or so, but I started off with 2 bags of it on the shelf and it still looks the same! Don't remember what I paid but it's worth it, there's NO stink and NO poop in my coop!
I've used sweet pdz and de from the very begining under the roosts. I even made a slide out poop drawer so clean up is a breeze. There is NO smell inside the coop except the smell of pine shaving from the nest boxes. I want to introduce my neighbor to the stuff as he has two dogs in his backyard (we share a slump block wall) that they NEVER clean up after. The smell from two dogs is about a million times worse than all of my chickens combined! Poor things, I actually feel sorry for them as their owners are pretty neglectfull.
I love Sweet PDZ!!! I'm a newbie with my first flock. I grabbed a bag (like 10 bucks for a 25# bag) after learning about it here and put it in with the pine shavings in the brooder.
I also use it in the guinea pigs cage and the cat's littler box! The only think you can smell in my house are the stinky dogs and the teenagers!
I have hardly made a dent in the bag. A little seems to go a long way.
Get it. You'll be glad you did!
We took the advice of others on this site and tried the Sweet PDZ. It is wonderful stuff! We sprinkle it on the coop floor before putting the shavings down, and then periodically sprinkle it on the shavings every so often to keep the smell to a minimum. We also sprinkle a bit under the coop where the girls like to hang out on sunny days. It keeps the smell way down. We get it at Tractor Supply Co.

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