TEACHERS: What do/don't you want for Christmas?

Well here we go again. I guess we should have warned the OP that trying to do something nice for teachers would backfire. Whether or not some of you like it, most families do like to give the teacher something at holiday time. You don't have to do squat if you don't want to, but stop trying to rain on the OP's parade. There was not a single negative thing in the original post about buying things at thrift stores. The point was that unfortunately a lot of those gifts end up in thrift stores because teachers do have so many of them they donate them to the thrift stores so that maybe someone else can benefit from them. The OP didn't say you have to spend your money on a teacher, it's not a requirement that you do anything. If you can't say something nice why not just not say anything and avoid threads that upset you so much.
My ONLY point was that several families can only afford what is in thrift stores, and teachers ALWAYS appreciate their gifts.

ETA: I am not upset. I thought that maybe others would be upset. I was just trying to help.
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Deb it's not you don't worry! You always support teachers and back us up. It just seems that some can't stand the idea of being nice to the person who has your children for more hours in the day than you do!
Deb it's not you don't worry! You always support teachers and back us up. It just seems that some can't stand the idea of being nice to the person who has your children for more hours in the day than you do!

I think I have said it before - ONE teacher saved my sons life. And if he gets 100 Worlds Greatest Teacher mug he deserved every one of them. Who cares if they came from thift shops.
I wish for parent volunteers in the classroom. I cherish parent chaperones on field trips. You have given me a gift if you help your child with their homework. We are in this together, and I value you, the parent, as part of the team.

I have a wall in my house where I hang lovely notes and crafts given to me by the kids. I don't ask for these gifts, but they are dear to my heart.

I spend every Sunday lesson planning for the week. I don't get three months off in the summer. Of the two months I am not in the classroom, I spend at least two weeks getting ready for the school year, and frequently another two weeks taking courses to keep myself up-to-date for the year. Add up the Sundays, and they count for more than the month left in the equation.

I have never had a day where the kids make me wish I had a different job. But, I cannot say the same thing about administrators who need to be reminded of our worth, or of parents who think we don't deserve our summers (such that they are) to ourselves.
As a teacher I also appreciate any kind of personal appreciation, even if it just a nice note or some volunteer time or supply donations. If you can spend money, and want to, classroom supplies (I'm an art teacher and always penny pinching!) are nice, or for the teacher personally, something like a Starbucks gift card is great.

Oh, and back off our summers - many of us are unpaid for that time and take on second jobs, teach summer school, or simply live on the cheap. Often during this time we are also waiting to hear whether or not our job still exists or if we've been cut or downsized.
I am with you, and I agree with the OP. I believe some people just come on here to be negative, and try to start an argument with negative comments.

I myself like to give something small and meaningful, like home baked goods, or a poinsetta. What people don't understand is giving a gift to a teacher doesn't have to cost a lot, and you are doing it to show appreciation for what they do for your children.
I always (unsuccessfully) told my students that I had everything that I wanted and they were not to get me anything for Christmas, BUT if I learned that if anyone's mom made fudge for Christmas and they didn't bring me any, they could plan on not passing. I always got LOTS of fudge.
Actually, I always got a lot of fudge year round because they knew I was not above being bribed.
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i got 5 kid's in school and alot of times we dont't have the money to do nice things for the teacher. our teachers love my kid's some get more attached because i have a blind child, add/adhd child ect. so they tend to bond more to the kid's cause they fuss over them like a momma hen.
i'd love to buy them all stuff but with 5 kid's that makes it impossible sometimes so i make them things. usually it is candy, fudge, cupcakes something even if it is just to help out with a party and something choc just for the teacher. one of my passions is bakeing and makeing homemade yummies.
they share their love by teaching my children it is nice even if it is only once a year to share my love of cooking with them. the kid's love takeing yummies to them and they always love them and ask for the recipes.

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