TEACHERS: What do/don't you want for Christmas?

My personal policy is the gift should be a gesture of thanks not a statement.
SOOOO many parents go overboard, it's crazy.
Wow Belle I am keeping you in mind when I throw the baby shower for my sister or best friend who ever gets knocked up first. Those are beautiful
I'm a homeroom mom, so I am always looking for fun things to do for the teachers. I made up a questionnaire at the beginning of school for the teacher with questions like her favorite color, hobbies, fast food restaurant, etc. She filled it out and that is what I use for gift days.

For example, on her birthday, I passed out a list with her favorite snacks, fast food restaurants and team on it. I asked that the parents either send a dollar or two, or a pack of peanut butter crackers/m&m's/trail mix, etc. Or, they could pick up a $5 Sonic card. I asked the teacher if she would like cupcakes or donuts (DONUTS!) and we had a little party for her. The kids brought their little treats (most were less than a dollar) and we filled up a gift basket. I think she liked it. She seemed to have a lot of fun. Her older kids ended up showing up and had snacks, too.

Christmas, our school has the teachers make a class wish list and we send that out. I'll ask for donations for a gift card, too, and go from there.

Do the teachers really like the homemade candy? I've done that before, but I have this fear they really toss it as soon as they get it home.
I don't know. I haven't thought about the jellies...I might do that. I haven't offered eggs before...I don't know if people would like that? I've taken them to football practice, but that's it. Oh, and neighbors.

I loved the quilt idea, but I am not a seamstress. Don't have a sewing machine and just don't know where to start! That is a great idea, though! Maybe we could do the fleece ones that you tie? I could do that! LOL!

Wow you guys have so many thoughtful ideas, I sure wish your kids were in my class lol!! Of course there's a few I'm glad your kids aren't in my class too..... Those cards are beautiful and the idea of handmade soap is just fantastic. I'm always glad to see such supportive parents and even though no teachers don't make much and yes I can complain about my pay so there, I still love to teach.
Hopefully all teachers out there appreciate whatever students bring them as gifts! Now, I'll be honest, I've received some "treasures" that were tossed, regifted, or put in my treasure/reward box the following year, but I truly did appreciate each and every one for the meaning behind it. Some of my poorest students would make sure to bring something in, even if was a used stuffed animal. And my students have always been kind when opening those gifts, not to make rude comments

Favs: scented candles, coffee samplers, candy (especially when the child has made a point of asking what your fav. candy is), small $5 or $10 gift cards

Worst: There is no worse when it involves and act of generosity.

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