TEACHERS: What do/don't you want for Christmas?

I'm not a teacher, but I'll tell you what I usually do for the teachers at my kid's school. I make jewelry, and during the school year I pay attention to what the teachers are wearing, and then I usually give them something that looks like they would wear. I also like to contribute to a classroom gift. I like this idea because a teacher will get a gift card that has enough money on it to get a nice meal or a couple of books. Five dollars doesn't go far, but several people giving $5 can make a nice gift.
I'm not a teacher either but I appreciate every person that works towards helping my child's education.

From the wonderful lady who drives the bus and gets him to school and home safely every day, to the clinic nurse who now knows me on a first name basis, to the ladies in the cafeteria who have cleaned up my son's puke on more than one occasion. The list goes on.

My way of showing my appreciation last year to each of these people, a small gift of homemade biscotti and a dozen fresh eggs. Last Christmas my son's kindergarden teacher was thrilled to receive her gift of a dozen fresh eggs and my son was so proud when he told her about the different colors and the names of the chickens.

After Christmas these ladies were still telling my son how delicious his eggs were and as we were able we sent in some extras.
This is what I'd want... The basics: copy paper, pencils, Kleenex. Schools are cutting back, and many of us have been forced to supplement the supply budget given to us by the district with money out of our own pockets. We have been told that the school is "rationing" copy paper and if we run out before the year is done, we will be buying it ourselves.
This is what I tell my parents...


VERY sweet offer but please, don't get me anything. I have a thousand knicknacks that say world's best teacher. I don't actually collect rabbits. I had ONE bunny trinket on my desk and they multiplied from well meaning students. I am on a diet and the homemade cookies (as delicious as they smell) aren't necessary. And to be honest, while you heart is absolutely in the right place it is improper. I am a teacher and any perceived favoritism will only backfire on us all. (Life shouldn't be like that but alas...)

If you feel driven to do anything, please send a card with your personal thanks...that is the best gift I could ask for. I will reread it on my low days and draw strength to keep moving forward.
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I make loads of natural goat milk soaps and sell for the farm business.

Teachers all get soap (of course Nicole is in pre-school right now...lol...but thru the years all teachers will get a nice few bars of soaps)

No cost and usable and re-cycleable as another present to someone else if they don't like it..HAHA

Teachers are very close with your kid. To me they are "not just someone doing a job to me" so I will always be giving a small token to Nicole's teachers thru the years.

It is personal. You either want to give someone or don't. Not a federal case at all.
There was not a single negative thing in the original post about buying things at thrift stores.

Sorry, it was very negative. SCHLOCK?? Come on! It also sounded to me like a gift was expected. I have a problem with that (obviously). And anyone who has seen my posts over time knows I am not generally a negative person. The original post was insulting. Period.

I do donate items to the school for the use of the children. Gym equipment (several dozen basketballs one year), art supplies, craft items, surplus paper, backpacks, pencils, markers, etc...

I do NOT give Christmas presents to teachers. I don't give presents to my plumber or the bus driver either. I have a hard enough time getting presents for my own family. If someone does give a teacher a present they got at the thrift store, it burns me up that a teacher would complain and call it schlock. Nobody owes you a present. If you think you work too hard, are unappreciated, and don't get paid enough, why are you still teaching anyway?​
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I gave my son's teacher a platter with a box of wheat thins, a bar of cream cheese, and a jar of home made habanero gold jelly. With an explanation on how to serve it. She told me it was wonderful, and she shared it at a gathering she had with some friends. She has since told my son how she liked it, and will some day show up at my door to return the jar in hope for a refill!!! LOL!!!
I couldn't always gift the teachers my children had. I do when I can.
I was a teachers aide at one time, I was in the special needs class, one year a few of the children gifted us with ornaments, some were home made some were not, but they still grace my tree, and every year when I hang them and remember them, wonder how they are. Most should be graduated by now. To me, it just warmed my heart that they thought of me.
The kids were so proud to see us open their gifts.
As a teacher, I keep every picture that is drawn for me and every knick knack bought for me, and it gets to be a lot. Please, no knick knacks. How about a package of cookies or just a really nice card with a handwritten note? Gift cards are always very, very much appreciated, but gifts are never expected. Two of the most touching gifts I have received were $5 gift cards from students with part time jobs who I knew bought them with their own money in spite of not having much. But remember, those handwritten notes and cards are even more special and will be kept and treasured for years to come.
last year I gave some of my favorite jams and salsa's I had canned that fall. I made the jars look pretty and each teacher and aid got one. Some times I give cookies I make in holiday tins that I buy each year after the season is over and they are 75 % off at Micheals. I cant afford to give averyone something bought as I only have a few bucks for each person so I do homemade stuff. I would say I give about 15-20 gifts like that per year to the various people that are not close friends or family.

I have been using the barter system for a lot o my other gifts this year as well. Money is really tight for most of us so I think food is always a good option as we all need to eat
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