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I'm like the Energizer bunny and never run out of energy, so chose upinrunnin years ago and it still applies.  Love to garden and can pickles, salsa, tomatoes and sauce.  Our 21 chickens helped me a lot in the garden this year.
is your energy natural or do you drink a lot of coffee, I enjoy gardening too.
see that's the difference between cat and dog people, I would never smell a cats foot, but dogs I'm sniffing away, my little rat terrier Chihuahua mix smells like popcorn, also my boxers smell good, like cheetos, I don't like the smell of my Australian shepherds, they stink to me. My cat is obnoxious and lives outside.
Sedaeng is how the Thai spell it in English. สีแดง is the Thai word, pronounced almost like C-Dang. It simply means RED or (to be) Red. My RL nickname. Red is usually taken so my screen name on most forums is 'Sedaeng'
Tee hee, can't say that I have smelt my cats' feet of late
I do, however, know that their little pads look like Jelly Beans! lol

Yep, that's a cat person! We'll know you've gone over the deep end when you start licking them.
Tee hee, can't say that I have smelt my cats' feet of late
I do, however, know that their little pads look like Jelly Beans! lol

Yep, that's a cat person! We'll know you've gone over the deep end when you start licking them.
guess i'm not a cat person....That's something iv'e never thought about doing!! (I still love kittens though)

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