Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

I wish i had a video going the day I came home to jump out of my car and quickly let all the birds out to free range. I had my sandals on and didn't think about my toes being exposed. First most of the chickens ran out of the gate, I went to open the ducks door and realized it is not a good thing to wear sandals around ducks! The ducks saw my toes and started quacking excitedly as they nibbled my toes. It must have been a sight as I picked up a foot laughing and squealing as the ducks tickled my feet. It is very hard to get both feet up at the same time. LOL

I would love the All Flock since I have Ducks, a goose and Chickens. I cant get my store to sell the All Flock!
One afternoon I decided to have pizza for lunch, and since it was such a nice day, I decided to eat outside. Boy, was that a bad idea... The second I got out there, my big dog ( and I mean 139 pounds "BIG" ) was right by me. As I shooed him away to no avail, My crazy hen Lola decided to just squeeze herself in front of the dog, while jumping up to try to snatch a piece of my food... Not the brightest idea ever, but surely it was pretty brave of her to just push herself in front of a dog that is HUGE compared to her( thankfully my dog is just a "gentle giant"). Considering that people call you"chicken" when you're scared, I never knew chickens could be so brave.
The End
One day while feeding my flock, my roo Lacy (yes, Lacy IS a boy) kept crowing and crowing and crowing. Everytime I turned around he'd cock-a-doodle-doooooo. Normally I don't mind but he just kept on and on...cock-a-doodle-dooooooo And he'd really drag out the doooooooo. I was starting to get a little annoyed, it was one of those mornings where everything was going wrong. cock-a-doodle-dooooooo Well, my RIR must have gotten annoyed too, cuz the next time he crowed, cock-a-doodle-DO! She pecked him in the butt!!!! Instantly he shut up, turned his head to look at her like "what the heck did you do that for" and she looked at him like "it's time you hush now!" lol, it was soooo funny!!!
Cleaning the stable one day I came around the corner pushing the wheel barrow and nearly ran over the single baby chick of our proud and protective mixed breed bantam hen. The diminutive little hen was so incensed that she fluffed her feathers and began verbally berating me for me inexperience and obviously lousy driving skills. Continuing her tirade without so much as taking a breath she then jumped to the front of the wheel barrow, made her way along the side and up the handle and then jumping up, hooked her feet into my belt and then proceeded to flog me with her wings. Finally, having apparently believed that I had received the due reward for my insensitivity she hopped back to the wheel barrow handle, returning to her child along the path which she had come continuing to mutter something about my deserving to lose my license. I felt like I had just been the victim of mother hen road rage. Somewhere about the time she started flogging me I had started to laugh and by the time she had returned to her chick I was nearly hysterical with tears streaming down my face. I was so shocked and laughing so hard that I just sat down right in the middle of the stable isle way. About that time the owner of the stable came around the corner and stood there staring at me like I had completely lost my mind. That little hen remained my favorite bird until the day she died even though I would swear every time she saw me she would make some comment about my lack of ability behind the wheel.
My silver dorking hen is quite tame and can be toted about. The funny part is that when you carry her she works her neck as if she is walking...back and forth in that chickeny way that they do.....if you walk fast while carrying her she works that neck fast and if you slow down she slows her neck down..it cracks me up every time...maybe im just easily entertained...;0)
My ameraucana does the exact same thing- its hilarious!
When I bought my first chicks, I didn't have a proper coop. They lived in a large wire dog cage, that was kept open for them to go into at night. My boyfriend and I spent a couple of weekends building their coop and Thelma, one of my Barred Rocks, supervised the entire project, down to the most minute detail. I guess she was telling us to hurry up and finish, because she christened it that very first night, with her very first egg!
Well the funniest story involving my chickens is kinda a toughy they are always finding ways to entertain the neighbors often at my expense
, but just the other day they with help from our potbellied pig may have topped themselves. The other day I go out side to just check to see how my 4 pullets 3 bantams and a silkie (who will be four months old tomorrow) are getting along with my two older girls, they were doing fine so I just start walking around our yard which everything kinda just free ranges with in a fenced in plot bout an acre big, when my pig Pee-Wee decides he is not getting enough attention so he starts chasing my bantams around well as i start getting over there out of nowhere here comes my silkie Dandelion jumps on the back of the pig and starts pecking his ears well the pig starts spinning like a bull at a rodeo then my older gals run over and some how one manages to grab his tail while the other just starts doling pecks well the pig is still spinning while this is all going down so Sweet pea who has the by the tail is getting twirled around trying to keep her feet on the ground Dandelion still holding on the pigs back and Feisty sneaking shots in where she can leaving me the bantams and my mutt dog just kind of looking totally confused at the cowgirl and rodeo clown wannabe show that kinda just unfolded in front of us. I finally get over there and break this show up before some one gets hurt and once the chickens have be shooed off Pee-Wee kinda just hides behind my legs
as Dande and her posse take a strutting victory lap around us. now every once in a while Pee-Wee goes over to Dande and roots her over and runs as his revenge. It's days like these i just can't imagine life without my crazy birds
I had just heard my 2 guinea's squawking up a storm so I ran outside to see what was going on. I found all the chickens, guineas and turkeys, running around like crazy. (The pun of running around like a chicken with your head cut off comes to mind!). After a moment of watching them I realized that they were all chasing Goldie! Goldie is a white Delaware chicken and is very social and bold. I see what looks like a worm hanging from her mouth. I'm thinking, geez, what's the big fuss? Its just a worm! So I'm finally able to get closer to her and I realize it's a snake, yes a SNAKE! So at this point I'm now also chasing Goldie because it looked way to big for her to swallow. As I'm chasing her and almost grabbing the snake out of her mouth several times,Goldie being the headstrong little thing that she is, swallows the thing in three gulps! Goldie has since survived the event and is still a little social butterfly and as bold as ever!

A pic of Goldie checking out the computer

A pic of Goldie all grown up and my son holding her. Which is rare! She is independent and does not like to be picked up. But she will let you pat her.
Hat On...Hat Off

One of my funniest chicken stories centers around my new gardening hat. I burn very easily so hubby had replaced my old worn hat with a big, lovely new one. Similar to my old one, but this new floppy hat has a brim that is almost as wide as my shoulders.

I went out to my layer pen proudly sporting my new hat. My girls always greet me with enthusiasm at the fence. On this day, the birds start towards the fence and then they are suddenly screaming while running to the other side of the pen. They ended up in a panicked dogpile in the corner. Thinking we had a predator I grabbed a rake and entered the pen. The birds notice me coming at them and start frantically racing to the other corner. By this time I have determined there are no beasts in the pen and set the rake down. I take my hat off to wipe off some sweat, my birds come rushing towards me chattering away. "Hmmm, these are some really crazy chooks." I put my hat back on and the terrorized birds flee yet again. It is starting to dawn on me what their issue is...I take the hat off, my birds return to me. I put it back on, the squawking retreat starts anew. I amuse myself for a few minutes doing the "hat on/hat off" torture sequence before deciding to go get the hubby AND the video camera. He and I walk back out to the pens...those darn birds just looked up at us and sort of said "Hi" and went back to their business. Hubby still thinks I imagined it!
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I've been reading all the funny posts. I hope this one brings a smile to your face. One morning I went out to feed the chickens. As I open the coop door I see my head hen, Skiddles, running towards me. I can tell from the look in her eyes she is a hen with a mission. She rushes by me and I turn my head to see what she is running to. There stands Kit Kat, my cat, with a mouse in his mouth. Skiddles leaps into the air and with her best Kung Fu move I have ever seen hits Kit Kat in the side with her outstretched feet and as he is falling to his side she bends down and takes the mouse from his mouth. The trophy is hers to keep. I laughed so hard I couldn't wait to get back in the house and tell everyone what I had just saw.

I'm going to throw in another little funny here to bad we don't have a funniest husband joke. One night my husband had put the chickens up and when I got home from work I asked him if he got all the chickens in the coop. He said he did except for Fluffy he couldn't find him anywhere. I said are you sure it was Fluffy you couldn't find? He said yes I'm positive I looked everywhere for him. With a straight face and it was very hard to do I told him no wonder you couldn't find Fluffy because we don't have a chicken named Fluffy. He then started to describe a gray silky roo. I knew he was talking about Frosty and we later found him the next morning in the dog house.

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