"Termites" as chicken food ? Do you give your chickens Termites as a treat ?

vishnu kokareko

7 Years
Mar 24, 2012

i give my chickens termites as a treat and they loved it they seems to be a good food termites are good treats as they contain high nutretional values do you give yours termites?
No way here. I won't take the chance of them missing any of them. I am like most people here in the U.S. and pay to much money to kill them in our homes. I am glad that it works for you just be careful they don't get away and do damage to your place.
I have a rotting tree stump that may or may not have termites. When I expand the run I plan to move it there for them to tear apart. Termites are not as common here in Pennsylvania as they are in India would be my guess. So termites would have to be an irregular treat for my birds.

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